black widow deadly origin

GreanGrean Member Posts: 1,397 ★★★★
does anyone like the new black widow


  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,937 ★★★★★
    Yeah, her animations are great.
  • GreanGrean Member Posts: 1,397 ★★★★
    she is pretty good
  • GreanGrean Member Posts: 1,397 ★★★★
    but like if she was like doom and could stun when the defender was shocked, that would put her in above god tier
  • MhmMhm Member Posts: 9
    they can easily make her better by just raising the stats of her sabotage and cruelty buffs
  • GreanGrean Member Posts: 1,397 ★★★★
    but her damage output is garbage
  • GreanGrean Member Posts: 1,397 ★★★★
    i Think They could have done better
    So that is why im hoping for the baron zemo to comme
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