My personal tier list

Link to my tier list:
Here's the tier list I use for my reference, feel free to tell me what you think. I know I may receive backlash for fairly obvious reasons...
Here's the tier list I use for my reference, feel free to tell me what you think. I know I may receive backlash for fairly obvious reasons...
A few minor complaints as well(my opinion), Magik, Morningstar and Dormammu in the same tier doesn't really make that much sense. Blade is way too low, Pyramid X is not better than Emma Frost, Carnage and Terrax shouldn't be in the same tier.
Weapon X is Ace tier and Namor isn't? Wasp higher than She Hulk and Spider-Gwen? Night Thrasher in the same tier as Elsa and Ronin? Mysterio more valuable than Sentinel?
Other than that it looks alright, there are definitely way, way worse tier lists out there.
Sorcerer supreme and pyramid x are too high imo.Cull is far from beyond god tier and terrax and mole man are from from sentinels level (he deserves god tier with she hulk imo). But it’s all opinion.
Even if Hyperion is still overall better, Cull Obsidian is definitely a game changer.
PS Extremely useful also on Flow tactic in war. I always shot 5s r5 duped IMIWs with my 6s r2 duped Cull, as long as I can put arbor break debuffs on them.
Mephisto needs synergies, champion is a must have and Morningstar is very nice to have. And still magik and Morningstar are better then Mephisto or gr while being lower in your list.
Gr needs blade synergy and still hits like a noodle
Dorm doesn't really need his sig for attack, he is basically only a power control champ
Gp is a lot better then elsa
Symb is just bad, should be lower than ronan
Jugs is better then u.colossus
Tm needs his sig
Ragna Thor is bad even with all his synergies
Moleman is bad
Terrax is bad
Rulk is better then gulk
Og hulk is better then sentry
I'm tired of wasting my time with it. But hey, thanks for not making a video
And why do you give such uninformative names to your tiers?
- GR does not hit like a wet noodle, combine awakened ability with Bleed judgment and the dmg output is far better than most. He also doesn't need the Blade synergy to actually be awesome, and can counter many types of champion as well.
- Dormammu does more than power control, he can also deal a ton of direct dmg via soul bond in heavy attacks
- Sym spidey has frequent crits and guaranteed albeit weak armor breaks on heavy attacks that last virtually forever during a fight; stack them with well-placed heavy attacks before using a special two, which also has a guaranteed crit, for massive burst dmg.
- Ronan only gets a benefit while duped
- Thor rags has decent damage and shock, but again, not my favorite
- And I don't see why terrax and mole man are that bad; is there some kind of explanation?
Dorms direct damage is not that big, you'd probably take some bleed or other dot champ over him.
If you value armour break that high, why do you have netflix dd that low? Thor, black bolt and phoenix also have armour break, Thor's on parry even more accessable
Yes, but he benefits a lot. When he works, he's a best option of all champs available. Btw, he can also break armour on heavy, if opponent has armour buff, and his sp2 ignores all armour
Have you ever used him? I have him as a 6* and r3 5* duped, and most of champs have higher dps, even if you bring all his synergies
Because they don't have any use in game over some generic champ like iron fist. You can try showing how they both are unique, interesting and useful champs. I actually believe people would appreciate that a lot more than another tier list
- Have you tried Dorm's soul bond capped at 100?
- Netflix DD can only armor break when the opponent is stunned, and he can only stun on special attack crits. Not as reliable as Sym Spidey's imo, but has far better potency.
- Terrax's Rock Field grants him a decent attack bonus, as well as frequent energy dmg and armor break per second. He can also gain indestructible charges with power cosmic, but maybe what brings him down is the occasional self-inflicted power drain.
- On the other hand, Mole Man's Frenzy allows him to deal bursts of energy dmg and Bleed every hit due to guaranteed critical hits. Without Frenzy he instead gains a True Accuracy passive, and in the event of a mistake which causes a great depletion in health, his attack and critical damage increases substantially especially while duped.