First six star pull

Biggumsss55Biggumsss55 Member Posts: 33
I just got my first 6 star and I was so excited because my alliance member just opened his first one and he got void and then I opened mine and what do u know , one of the worst characters I could think of I got a blue team Cyclopes. Honestly getting that bad of a six star pull because of how hard it is to get all those shards I was really about to just give up and quit playing the game . They shouldn’t have that bad of a six star character because of how hard u work to even get your first one


  • MephistoMephisto Member Posts: 522 ★★★
    I got Ægon :| i at least need 2 more years to dupe him
  • SuperiorSymbioteSuperiorSymbiote Member Posts: 1,862 ★★★★★
    edited May 2020
    Ally member pulled red cyclops I’m expecting something from that tier
  • DarkEternityDarkEternity Member Posts: 784 ★★★★
    My first was Moonknight, don't feel bad. Just keep going and move on.
  • Biggumsss55Biggumsss55 Member Posts: 33
    Thanks bro lol I was so ready to give up
  • MasterpuffMasterpuff Member Posts: 6,478 ★★★★★

    I just got my first 6 star and I was so excited because my alliance member just opened his first one and he got void and then I opened mine and what do u know , one of the worst characters I could think of I got a blue team Cyclopes. Honestly getting that bad of a six star pull because of how hard it is to get all those shards I was really about to just give up and quit playing the game . They shouldn’t have that bad of a six star character because of how hard u work to even get your first one

    Join the club bro. Tbh he is really good for some fights like havok
  • Biggumsss55Biggumsss55 Member Posts: 33
    Yea I know he’s good for havok but that’s about it lol but thanks , and only good thing was after that six star pull I got a five star crystal and ended up getting a five star havok so atleast that kind of made up for it
  • AmarriteAmarrite Member Posts: 50
    I recently opened a six star OG Ironman as my first one. I feel your pain.
  • EtjamaEtjama Member Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★
    Level him up, place him on an unblockable Sp1 node in defense and never touch him again 😂. I've pulled Taskmaster, DarkHawk and Ebony Maw. While I know the first 2 could've been a lot worse, they don't do anything for me offensively other than help me with easy questing while all my best champs are taken. So my luck's been better than yours so far, but I get it, it's frustrating.
  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★
    My first six star was Ghost. My last 8 have all been rancid trash though
  • Agent_X_zzzAgent_X_zzz Member Posts: 4,498 ★★★★★
    My first was Loki
  • Sparx265Sparx265 Member Posts: 272
    My friend got a blue cyclops as his first six star as well, and... :neutral:
  • Monto_Carlos28Monto_Carlos28 Member Posts: 246
    My first was Juggy, and last well, my 2nd 6* was Puniser2099.
    If your luck isn't good. Then it will get bad.
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  • ahock101ahock101 Member Posts: 118
    My first was deadpool x force, my second was deadpool x force, I have 7 now, last one was imiw, you have to take the good with the bad
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  • FreeToPlay_21FreeToPlay_21 Member Posts: 1,594 ★★★★
    Ayyy my first 6* was Blue Cyclops as well. High Five!
  • JABBA_2JABBA_2 Member Posts: 99
    My first 4 star was falcon. My second 4 star I duped him.
  • JABBA_2JABBA_2 Member Posts: 99
    edited May 2020
    But that's bad luck. However, you can work with it. Great for AW and AQ
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