Does anyone else miss not knowing what tier lists were?

WeAreNotVenomWeAreNotVenom Member Posts: 126 ★★★
I started back when the AOU event came out years ago. Can’t remember the exact date of release, but I was into superhero themed games back then and had recently gotten into injustice. When I found the game, I played it a lot over the next couple months and was even overjoyed for my first 3* ever (SIM). I remember making him out and taking him everywhere simply because I thought he looked badass. What were some of your rank ups before you found out about the best champs in the game?


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  • WeAreNotVenomWeAreNotVenom Member Posts: 126 ★★★
    @UmbertoDelRio sorry, I misconstrued my point with this lol. I guess what I meant to ask was what champs you thought were good as a starting player from a subjective point of view. I have obviously developed a good understanding of the game now, and now I gag when I see SIM instead of celebrating
  • Jedi_HawkeJedi_Hawke Member Posts: 955 ★★★
    Wolverine was always my go to champ when I started the game. He was my first 4star, regeneration, and bleed damage. Plus he was my favorite comic book character. I think I used him to 100% first 3 acts of story mode, and for almost every fight in RoL. When I learned about tier lists and realized their were champs just as good and some even better than wolverine it took the game to a whole new level for me
  • DawnOfShadow9DawnOfShadow9 Member Posts: 2
    I remember putting my Venompool at rank 4 as a 3 star just because he looked cool when I got him and didn't know how trash he was till the end of act 3
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  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★
    Three star Colossus. I awakened and put sig stones into that bad boy (pre buff) and didn’t find out how bad he was until I joined forums.
  • edited May 2020
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  • Aomine_Daiki10Aomine_Daiki10 Member Posts: 1,656 ★★★★★
    I liked deadpool x-force until I found out about tier list and saw how he was underperforming.
  • DarkEternityDarkEternity Member Posts: 784 ★★★★
    I believe tier lists to be extremely good for beginners who don't quite understand the game yet. However, as you get farther into the game you can sort of figure out what champs are the best in your roster. As a beginner (4+ years ago) I had no idea what tier lists were and thought that my Netflix Daredevil (the one we were all gifted, if anyone remembers that?) was the best champ in the game. This was because I thought stronger champions were determined by PI and nothing else. I shortly quit after joining because I had little idea or knowledge of the game. Now, with all the Youtubers creating guides and tier lists, things are much better. Beginners can flourish and strive to be better and more advanced players can flourish as well.
  • Bawa69Bawa69 Member Posts: 489 ★★★
    early days i thought sentry, moon knight and drax were da bomb...simply cause they were my first 3 4* pulls and cleared a lot of initial content for me ...
  • TheInfintyTheInfinty Member Posts: 1,495 ★★★★★
    When I rejoined the game last year I didn’t know Diablo was awful and I took my 4 star Diablo to R4
  • lowlevelplayerlowlevelplayer Member Posts: 4,292 ★★★★★
    nothing. I hate to mess anything up, so I looked up the tier list on day 1 LOL
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