Looking for Platinum alliance
Hey guys,
I am an European player (GMT+1 tine zone) looking for a Platinum alliance.
I was leader of an alliance I built from zero together with my account ending up in gold 2 for several seasons and managing 2 battlegroups for quite a while.
I am currently officer in another alliance managing 1 battlegroup, but I am trying to chill down from all this battlegroup management and I am looking for higher war tiers.
I do not have expectations for AQ except minimum map 5 and not excessively high donations.
I have completed 100% Labyrinth of Legends, 1st run of Act 6 and my next objectives will be to go for 100% Act 6 and first run of Abyss of Legends.
If you have any good opportunity you can contact me on line app.
Line ID: lukeskywalkerj