What did you guys get from season rewards?

I almost got shafted, but it payed off in the end(I'm in silver 2) I formed a mystic T4CC, so now I only need one more to R4 doom. For the T4CC, I got science
. I already have 6. For the two 4 stars, I ended up with electro and sunspot, which was a great ending.
I'm curious to see, what did y'all get? Good luck, bad luck, post it all here.
Just don't post here complaining that you didn't get anything because you don't know how war works and/or you're alliance kicked you. That sucks, but this is not the right thread for it.

I'm curious to see, what did y'all get? Good luck, bad luck, post it all here.
Just don't post here complaining that you didn't get anything because you don't know how war works and/or you're alliance kicked you. That sucks, but this is not the right thread for it.
We ended in Plat4.
Need 1500 shards for a new 6*.
5* Red Skull (Duped to level 80)
6 Namor (took him to Rank2)
Platinum 4 rewards
Yes, in 3 separate accounts. All new.
Plus, resources for a new R5 by tomorrow, most probably Void.
Just about got another 5*
Rouge. Not gonna take her past R3, infact I've pulled nothing worth r4-5 in a while. It's depressing lmao
I've been after 4* CapIW for ages! Finally used the sig stones and AG I'd been hoarding for him.
5* Thing
5* captain america original/classic
Dun dun dun dun
6* punisher
I hope he is good
Really disappointing but I’m not too upset.
6* Emma Frost
G2 reward.
Are these pulls good or bad(5*)?
Edit: this usually happens with NF