A message of thanks to Kabam.

AndTavAndTav Member Posts: 261
All of us who play MCoC know that Kabam has its flaws.

But I think we should recognize when she does something right. The last secondary events (April and May, mainly) deserve CONGRATULATIONS !!! Very well designed, both in terms of energy, format and time spent. There is nothing worse than an event that is as big as the main one of the month, who doesn't have much time ends up having to choose between one or the other, whoever works or studies knows what I'm talking about. In these last two events he is so well balanced that he does not need to run. I particularly liked Kabam a lot!


  • Hera1d_of_Ga1actusHera1d_of_Ga1actus Member Posts: 2,441 ★★★★★
    Yeah, and Kabam I know many people get angry and pissed with decisions you guys make but just know; why would be mad or worried and angry about something that we don’t truly care about? Good job Kabam, keep the content coming!
  • Grandmaster007Grandmaster007 Member Posts: 88
    They've been pretty bad/worse in my opinion
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    The side events this year have been a lot better than last, can’t say that for a lot of other stuff though
  • H_I_ZH_I_Z Member Posts: 496 ★★
    agreed, while a lot of people might disagree, I really like these posts and I would like to say thank you to KABAM. While they have their faults, we all do, but there is a lot of good things they've done. THANK YOU!
  • AndTavAndTav Member Posts: 261
    I must also add that, the rewards are great for this type of event. We already had others that were much bigger and didn't even give a whole T2A. Continue with this balance for secondary Kabam event, I think most of the player base agree.
  • Aomine_Daiki10Aomine_Daiki10 Member Posts: 1,656 ★★★★★
    Every RNG event sucks cause not everyone will enjoy the rewards as if the crystal pulls does not suck enough
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  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★
    I've liked most of the recent side events. This month, I'm generally neutral due to the rng factor, but I'm happy because of the chronometer
  • TheInfintyTheInfinty Member Posts: 1,495 ★★★★★

    Person A could open 18 rifts pull 14 amazing rift rewards ie, AG gem, 5* crystal, 6* shards etc
    Person B also opens 18 rifts but opens 14 sig stones all of different class and maybe has 4 mediocore pulls like 1k 5* shards and 100 6* shards
    Person c could open 13 rifts 1 guaranteed lets say he goes for a AG gem and the other 12 are sig stones

    FOR DIFFERENT OUTCOMES OF CHANCE, SO FINDING A THREAD WHERE YOUR PRAISING KABAM FOR IDIOCY IS AMAZING. When theirs a clear template of event quests they tell you what your gonna get that month and people grind accordingly and once a year they pull the RNG card to do damage control its funny those are basically reliving atlantean rifts know exactly what im talking about they gave us probably the best event quest to come to MCOC Nick fury Bounty misions, and then the did damage control by doing RNG the month after, its the exact same scenario as last year where they have an amazing event the month prior then they backpedal yes a handfull of you will be satified becuase you got the RNG luck, you think kabam gonna give that luck to everyone nope, for every winner theirs about 100 losers that day probably more, so no dont aplaud kabam for wasting our time on chance

    This is exactly like opening a 5 star it’s RNG if you don’t like the RNG of rifts in a game that’s all about RNG why are you still here? To me at least that makes no sense if you think this event is bad your joking. Remember the guardian of the nexus **** we had in October last year? That was god awful
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