Dr. Strange is not worth taking to rank 5 anymore. Scatler Witch maybe.
As for Thor or Ms. Marvel, I like Cpt. Marvel now over Thor. He too got nerfed. Although it depends on what you need or want. Who your other cosmics are as well.
If captain marvel is atleast sig level 40 she hits like a truck with increase in power meter. her sig ability to aborb energy into power is good + poison immunity.
Thor stun is very useful.
I would take Captain Marvel.
Scarlet witch is my choice for the mystic! Nerf or not.. she still rocks!
Cpt. Marvel, she's poison immume, doesn't need to be stunned to get fury, if she's duped hold on to her power. Can be used in every game mode I believe, especially in stun immune nodes she can make quick work of the opponent.
Yes Thor and Captain Marvel are duped I do love the poison immune stuff Thor with fury hits like a truck too. I kind of figured about Scarlet Witch she still is great.
I'm very interested in this myself. I pulled Thor and MM in the last week. I plan to take them both to 3/30 then see what they look like there.
I have been sitting on a cosmic gem for about 3 months.
Thor and SW. Both Still good even after the nerf. Btw, Thor also gets fury now without being stunned (he still gets that one as well)
CM is available as 5* too, Thor isn't.
Like others have said, Thor needs to be duped to be good. His awakened ability is an armor break when he inflicts stun. This is obviously dependent on your ability to stun, so stun/debuff immune nodes basically "un-dupe" him. On hyper-aggressive AI fights, I can stack 2-3 armor breaks and then unleash an SP2/SP3 to end it quickly (parry, one hit, dash back, parry again, one hit, dash back, 3rd parry, Special - works really well against unstoppable colossus).
I have my Thor at 4/40 and he's at sig 30. I use him all the time, but I also know that he is not very good on stun/debuff immune nodes so I fight with someone else there. I still like him better than Hyperion, but I frequently put both in my attack team now.
Not sure why you would 4/40 Groot though. Duped or not, he serves very little function in the game. At best, you could max Limber and use him as a mediocre war defender. He's easily bottom 3 Cosmic with Khan and Carnage.
As for Thor or Ms. Marvel, I like Cpt. Marvel now over Thor. He too got nerfed. Although it depends on what you need or want. Who your other cosmics are as well.
Thor stun is very useful.
I would take Captain Marvel.
Scarlet witch is my choice for the mystic! Nerf or not.. she still rocks!
I have been sitting on a cosmic gem for about 3 months.
SW is the same way. When duped, she's awesome, though her signature ability needs to be fairly high.
CM is available as 5* too, Thor isn't.
I have my Thor at 4/40 and he's at sig 30. I use him all the time, but I also know that he is not very good on stun/debuff immune nodes so I fight with someone else there. I still like him better than Hyperion, but I frequently put both in my attack team now.
Not sure why you would 4/40 Groot though. Duped or not, he serves very little function in the game. At best, you could max Limber and use him as a mediocre war defender. He's easily bottom 3 Cosmic with Khan and Carnage.
"Thor is poison immune" Wait wut....