It's the 6th actually, just make sure you see the banner on the home screen, that's when. It'll say "Agent Venom, crossbones, Falcon, civil warrior, Nightcrawler, and beast have been permanently added to the 5 star crystal"
It's the 6th actually, just make sure you see the banner on the home screen, that's when. It'll say "Agent Venom, crossbones, Falcon, civil warrior, Nightcrawler, and beast have been permanently added to the 5 star crystal"
Hey all, they won't be added until the first Tuesday of the Month. This will likely happen with the server maintenance. Remember, if you're on the hunt for one of the new Champions being added in September, wait until you see the banner on the home screen saying that they've been added!
So yeah, it's the 5th, but only after maintenance...
Where was the 6th announced?
So yeah, it's the 5th, but only after maintenance...