The issue of prohibiting T4CC selling.... Solution?

First and foremost I want to say Thank You to those of you in our glorious loyal Community for checking out this Thread and lending an ear to a fellow voice of the community. And thank you Kabam for granting Summoners a proper section on the forums to properly post a thread with helpful Suggestions that could possibly be implemented in the game to improve the quality of the game for all your loyal Summoners!
Now without further a due, what I am about to present to you are some of the complications veterans such as myself face while playing Marvel Contest of Champions and how we may feel like we are allowing good resources go to waste as well as a simple solution as to how this may be resolved.
First off I'd like to say is for the veterans out there that have played the game for a few years have all the right champs, have all the Class as well as Basic T4 catalysts in the game to rank up their favorite and useful champions in the game. What happens when you get to the point in the game where all your favorite 4-star champions in the game are all at the max Rank 5 level 50? You save those resources for future 5-stars ofcourse!
There comes a point in the game for EVERY summoner where you will encounter this dilema. You will either have all the catalysts you need to rank up a good 5-star champion to rank 4 yet lack a good quality 5-star champion to use those resources on or the reverse. Now here is where this issue becomes interesting. When saving T4 basics as well as class catalysts we are all aware we have a limit to the amount of catalysts we can hoard in our inventory and any excess catalysts we have are automatically transferred into our stash. To those of us with a maxed out catalyst inventory with numerous excess catalysts of several different classes what are we to do if we have a lack of worthy champions worth upgrading? Do we simply rank up a 4-star or 5-star champion that we will never use for any aspect of the game or should there be an alternative solution which will allow Summoners to keep their T4 class catalysts from expiring since Summoners are prohibited from selling T4 basics, T4 class catalysts as well as T2 Alpha catalysts.
Here are 2 solutions that I propose:
1. Increase the size of the catalyst capacity for Summoners that have reached level 60 to hold 30 catalysts instead of the current 15
2. (You guys are going to love this) Implement a class catalysts conversion system which grants Summoners access to converting 1 class catalyst for a price
Allow me to elaborate more on the Class Catalyst conversion system:
The Catalyst you choose to convert will work in unison with the cycle of class advantage and disadvantages. For example let us say you want to convert a science class catalyst into a mystic. You will be able to decide how many science fragments you wish to convert into Mystic fragments whether they are the equivalent to a whole Class catalyst or part of a class catalyst.
What is the price of converting class catalysts of 1 class to another? I haven't thought that far ahead but I was thinking it should cost a certain combination of battle chips and units or possibly glory and units. Another option I thought of was 3,600 basic catalyst fragments per class catalyst converted (36,000 fragments).
In my opinion this system would not only save expiring T4 Class Catalysts from expiring in the Summoner's stash but it would also increase the diversity of class catalysts a Summoner could acquire if they're searching for a specific class!
What if you wanted to convert a class Catalyst that neither has an advantage or disadvantage to another? Well here is another mechanic of the Class Catalyst Conversion that I also thought of.
Based on the placement within the cycle of class advantages/disadvantage; The number of spaces between the class you wish to convert to the class you wish to receive shall cost that number of spaces multiplied by the basic cost of converting from 1 class to next. A following example would be converting a mutant class to a mystic. It would cost 3,600 basic fragments multiplied by 3. The reason is because it takes 3 spots to get to mystic from mutant. Skill, science, and finally mystic.
What if you wanted to convert the class catalysts in reverse?
There will be a feature which will allow you to change the flow of how you want your class catalysts to be converted. The only catch will be When you convert 1 class catalyst to it's disadvantage, it will automatically cost double the regular cost of the catalyst conversion if you were following the natural order of the advantages. So following the normal flow from 1 class to the next would only cost 3,600 basic fragments. But for the inverse: converting a class catalyst to it's disadvantage will cost 7,200 basic fragments. For each additional class you choose to convert in the reverse flow of class advantages, the multiplier will increase by 1.
The cost of converting catalysts in this system is still up for debate. Again, this is only my suggestion. I would love to hear the opinions of the community as well as the Admins/Moderators if you feel this would be a benefit to the community or feel it is a terrible idea please share your opinions and let me know how you feel!
if you like the idea of a catalyst conversion system in game but feel the mechanics should work differently as well as the cost of converting catalysts please share your thoughts and opinions as well as any other suggestions and feedback on how Kabam can improve the game for it's loyal community!
Now without further a due, what I am about to present to you are some of the complications veterans such as myself face while playing Marvel Contest of Champions and how we may feel like we are allowing good resources go to waste as well as a simple solution as to how this may be resolved.
First off I'd like to say is for the veterans out there that have played the game for a few years have all the right champs, have all the Class as well as Basic T4 catalysts in the game to rank up their favorite and useful champions in the game. What happens when you get to the point in the game where all your favorite 4-star champions in the game are all at the max Rank 5 level 50? You save those resources for future 5-stars ofcourse!
There comes a point in the game for EVERY summoner where you will encounter this dilema. You will either have all the catalysts you need to rank up a good 5-star champion to rank 4 yet lack a good quality 5-star champion to use those resources on or the reverse. Now here is where this issue becomes interesting. When saving T4 basics as well as class catalysts we are all aware we have a limit to the amount of catalysts we can hoard in our inventory and any excess catalysts we have are automatically transferred into our stash. To those of us with a maxed out catalyst inventory with numerous excess catalysts of several different classes what are we to do if we have a lack of worthy champions worth upgrading? Do we simply rank up a 4-star or 5-star champion that we will never use for any aspect of the game or should there be an alternative solution which will allow Summoners to keep their T4 class catalysts from expiring since Summoners are prohibited from selling T4 basics, T4 class catalysts as well as T2 Alpha catalysts.
Here are 2 solutions that I propose:
1. Increase the size of the catalyst capacity for Summoners that have reached level 60 to hold 30 catalysts instead of the current 15
2. (You guys are going to love this) Implement a class catalysts conversion system which grants Summoners access to converting 1 class catalyst for a price
Allow me to elaborate more on the Class Catalyst conversion system:
The Catalyst you choose to convert will work in unison with the cycle of class advantage and disadvantages. For example let us say you want to convert a science class catalyst into a mystic. You will be able to decide how many science fragments you wish to convert into Mystic fragments whether they are the equivalent to a whole Class catalyst or part of a class catalyst.
What is the price of converting class catalysts of 1 class to another? I haven't thought that far ahead but I was thinking it should cost a certain combination of battle chips and units or possibly glory and units. Another option I thought of was 3,600 basic catalyst fragments per class catalyst converted (36,000 fragments).
In my opinion this system would not only save expiring T4 Class Catalysts from expiring in the Summoner's stash but it would also increase the diversity of class catalysts a Summoner could acquire if they're searching for a specific class!
What if you wanted to convert a class Catalyst that neither has an advantage or disadvantage to another? Well here is another mechanic of the Class Catalyst Conversion that I also thought of.
Based on the placement within the cycle of class advantages/disadvantage; The number of spaces between the class you wish to convert to the class you wish to receive shall cost that number of spaces multiplied by the basic cost of converting from 1 class to next. A following example would be converting a mutant class to a mystic. It would cost 3,600 basic fragments multiplied by 3. The reason is because it takes 3 spots to get to mystic from mutant. Skill, science, and finally mystic.
What if you wanted to convert the class catalysts in reverse?
There will be a feature which will allow you to change the flow of how you want your class catalysts to be converted. The only catch will be When you convert 1 class catalyst to it's disadvantage, it will automatically cost double the regular cost of the catalyst conversion if you were following the natural order of the advantages. So following the normal flow from 1 class to the next would only cost 3,600 basic fragments. But for the inverse: converting a class catalyst to it's disadvantage will cost 7,200 basic fragments. For each additional class you choose to convert in the reverse flow of class advantages, the multiplier will increase by 1.
The cost of converting catalysts in this system is still up for debate. Again, this is only my suggestion. I would love to hear the opinions of the community as well as the Admins/Moderators if you feel this would be a benefit to the community or feel it is a terrible idea please share your opinions and let me know how you feel!
if you like the idea of a catalyst conversion system in game but feel the mechanics should work differently as well as the cost of converting catalysts please share your thoughts and opinions as well as any other suggestions and feedback on how Kabam can improve the game for it's loyal community!
If I open them I know most will expire, mainly though lack of basics.
But I get the storage point, should 100% up the inventory storage...