Maybe an oversimplification of the games current state...

Dr. CrabDr. Crab Member Posts: 673 ★★★
I think my oversimplified synopsis of what’s wrong with the game currently is the economy of the game does not lineup with the content. I thinks it’s really as simple as that. If you want to come out with crazy nodes that only can be solved with obscure champions than allow more resources to be obtained so that ranking up those champions isn’t such a depressing choice. If you want us to keep playing war, make it really worth while. Right now you can spend $100 on a season or just buy a couple offers that triple what you would get in platinum without the stress and fear of messing up or just a mean alliance that kicks you after a mistake or two. I could go on and on but frankly I believe saying the nexus between content and economy is broken is pretty succinct.


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