The Training Room

TL;DR: Training room to pick attackers and defenders, new champs, or nodes.
This training room would be more of a "test chamber" if you will, but the gist is that you can pick one of your own champions (or champions you dont have) as your attacker, and pick another champion as a defender. Say you wanna see how it feels to fight Darkhawk and test evading his special attack, just whip out training room and make him defend. Or, you want to see that interaction with Gwenpool and Dr.Doom, boom, training room.
This might be too overpowered for practicing against the big bosses, like Collector or The Champion, so maybe choose to eliminate those as options to fight against. Also, NODES! There are a ton of nodes in the game, and this would be a great pratice room for that.
Finally, it would let newer and older players alike try out the new champions that release, maybe see if they're worth the units or arena grind, or just have fun and play around with them. Please consider addind this Kabam, I feel like it's a good idea.
This training room would be more of a "test chamber" if you will, but the gist is that you can pick one of your own champions (or champions you dont have) as your attacker, and pick another champion as a defender. Say you wanna see how it feels to fight Darkhawk and test evading his special attack, just whip out training room and make him defend. Or, you want to see that interaction with Gwenpool and Dr.Doom, boom, training room.
This might be too overpowered for practicing against the big bosses, like Collector or The Champion, so maybe choose to eliminate those as options to fight against. Also, NODES! There are a ton of nodes in the game, and this would be a great pratice room for that.
Finally, it would let newer and older players alike try out the new champions that release, maybe see if they're worth the units or arena grind, or just have fun and play around with them. Please consider addind this Kabam, I feel like it's a good idea.