Looking for Skilled, Active, and Unselfish Members.

BlackWidowS (BKWS)
Looking for ACTIVE, unselfish, and experienced players that can do maps 4-5 with full master mods. 3 BG AQ and hitting 160mil milestone. We do 2 AW BG. War Season gold 2/1, Tier 4/3. No donations. Line app preferred but do have discord option.
Line ID: ma5terchu
Discord: Ma5terChu #6743
Looking for ACTIVE, unselfish, and experienced players that can do maps 4-5 with full master mods. 3 BG AQ and hitting 160mil milestone. We do 2 AW BG. War Season gold 2/1, Tier 4/3. No donations. Line app preferred but do have discord option.
Line ID: ma5terchu
Discord: Ma5terChu #6743