New Ally "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub"
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Add me in game: Mediumunwell
Required to add me on line: mrsubs
I'm missing a master title, but don't plan on missing anymore. Used to have a top 150 alliance at some point in the first six months after the release of alliances. I try to play a little more casually, but would require hopefully soon that map 5 gets completed all 5 times. Will probably r5 Gwenpool at the next lvl up event and likely followed by Dr. Voodoo soon after (both awakened)
Might use frame magic to clean this up but lazily for now will just say my tech is at 27k / 36k
Add me in game: Mediumunwell
Required to add me on line: mrsubs
I'm missing a master title, but don't plan on missing anymore. Used to have a top 150 alliance at some point in the first six months after the release of alliances. I try to play a little more casually, but would require hopefully soon that map 5 gets completed all 5 times. Will probably r5 Gwenpool at the next lvl up event and likely followed by Dr. Voodoo soon after (both awakened)
Might use frame magic to clean this up but lazily for now will just say my tech is at 27k / 36k