Game improvements

*Buff older champs*
Placing champion specific buffs in certain matches/tiles/chapters, like in global node requirements, is only a band aid. People want their Venompools and Daredevils to be playable in ALL aspects of the game.
The only true way to fix this problem is to retool older Champs. Not necessarily overhauls like Hulkbuster, but rather minor tweaks like Gamora or Venom.
Placing champion specific buffs in certain matches/tiles/chapters, like in global node requirements, is only a band aid. People want their Venompools and Daredevils to be playable in ALL aspects of the game.
The only true way to fix this problem is to retool older Champs. Not necessarily overhauls like Hulkbuster, but rather minor tweaks like Gamora or Venom.
However, with creativity, you can simply "tweak" a few Champs into relevance. You don't need to make them all into God tier. I have Aegon, R4 5* awakened, but I don't use him often. Sometimes I have more fun with Nebula, Red Hulk, or Mephisto.
People just want to be able to use their favorite (sometimes childhood) marvel characters for high end content. I'd love to be able to use Punisher. If he was High Demi-God, I would!
1 simple tweak to Gamora moved her from Meme Tier to High Demi-God. With creativity, you could do the same to a character like Punisher.
1) All Attacks 11% chance to gain a fury buff to 25%
2) SP1&2: 70% and 85% chance to bleed to 100% chance across all specials (like other Champs)
3) All Attacks: 11% chance to bleed
Done. All those features are already built into punisher. Just changing values in proc chance. He becomes a very relevant champ.
For example: The Rank-up Gems. If I will use it, it should directly select champs that are valid to used the gem for. Just like how the Signature Stone works when you want to use them.