2 Looking for an active alliance with NO drama

Looking for a chill but active alliance for the long run. We run map 5 in AQ, and tier 9/10 (Gold2/3) in AW. Our prestige is 7,550 and 6,200. We have no problems running AQ and AW simultaneously. Very active.
LINE&IGN captdeadp00l
Join us 😁
Line: Courtbear
Pm if interested
Line ID: 10brt07
In game Name: Brt07
Alliance Name: Bilko (Goondocks)
We can hit 100AQ score weekly. We do run AQ with Master Modifier all BGs whole week. We're optional AW, so there're chill people in this alliance. But if you're AW focused, we also have strong accounts to fly high. Last season we were casual with wars as we only set up last season. This season we aim for Gold.
If you're interested, please contact me:
Line ID: ska3rn (display name: sKarn)
Alliance TAG: MAR-F