New aw

My understanding of the new aw is that you get points for wining fights and exploration and also the pi of defenders placed.
If this is correct then if you meet an alliance which is full of r4 x 5* there is basically no point trying as if they clear 100% you've lost what ever you do.
Obviously this will depend on the defence they place but if a high pi defence gives you the upper hand then alliances will palace as many r4's as possible, meaning the bigger alliances get bigger while the rest of us are stuck watching.
@Kabam Miike please answer this message and explain if this interpretation is right.
If this is correct then if you meet an alliance which is full of r4 x 5* there is basically no point trying as if they clear 100% you've lost what ever you do.
Obviously this will depend on the defence they place but if a high pi defence gives you the upper hand then alliances will palace as many r4's as possible, meaning the bigger alliances get bigger while the rest of us are stuck watching.
@Kabam Miike please answer this message and explain if this interpretation is right.
We'll have to see how it works but technically if you place 100 different champions against an alliance who has only placed 30 (due to multiple magik, Mordo, NC etc) and you both kill 3 bosses and the same exploration then you should win due to having more points from using more diverse champions.
1.Exploration is a set score
2.attacking kills are a set score
3. Defender kills don't count
4. So defender rating is the only variable score.
so a r4, 5* sl is worth more in defence than attack, so this means the higher the defence pi you put the better chance you have of a win ( if you do it 100% )
This then makes your attack weaker and the fights harder so you spend more as ko's don't count.
And with the top alliances fixing matching all we can do is sit back and watch the big alliances get bigger as even if you spent a million on revives you still can't beat a defence made up of r4 x 5*
And forcing them all to do lol 100% to get the extra 8x t2alphas to keep up with the other top alliances.
We've been well and truly shafted AGAIN
Seriously, who isn't tired of seeing 4 nightcrawlers on the path the left mini, 5 mordos, 5 magiks, Juggs, UC, hood, electro, yj, and Spidey sprinkled in with an AV or bpcw here and there ? I for one would like to be able to use some other champs on defense and maybe switch my attack team up some.
Hopefully they make some nodes that make bleed and poison champs good for defenders, as well as some of the armor champs, I've got a sig 99 4* HB and a duped 5* I would like to use if there was a node that actually made them difficult. I would also like it to be easier to 100% the maps to free up champs sooner and with a little less focus on defensive kills. I'm not saying they shouldn't be rewarded but war shouldn't always feel so frustrating going against the same champs over and over.
All we need now are rewards that will keep people from using shells to fight below their actual strength for easy wins. Maybe scale the rewards a little better for wins and losses both, with the winner gaining a proportional amount of shards based on margin of victory.
It's more set up now to feed kabam money and make the top alliances even further out of reach.