Unlock Act 5 Map Zoom In/Out Scroll feature please.

Greetings and good day:
I know "back in the day", LOL, that the locking of the Map Zoom In/Out feature was to keep it secret and a mystery but it's 2020 and it's still locked out as to where you can not zoom in and out.
Could you change that? Unlock it so you can zoom in and out.
I mean yes, I know there are YouTube videos and map images all over the internet but when I am playing I don't always want to stop and go Google search something.
You don't have that feature for Acts 1 - 4, nor do you have it for Act 6 or Act 7 Beta. So why do you still have it on Act 5?
The suggestion is to please take off the Zoom Lock for Act 5 so that players can zoom in and out like ever other Act in the Story Mode.
I get why it's on the Abyss of Legends, but Act 5 is not new anymore. Again, you don't have that feature on the newer Act's like Act 6 or 7 so why have it on for Act 5?
Thank you for your time.
I know "back in the day", LOL, that the locking of the Map Zoom In/Out feature was to keep it secret and a mystery but it's 2020 and it's still locked out as to where you can not zoom in and out.
Could you change that? Unlock it so you can zoom in and out.
I mean yes, I know there are YouTube videos and map images all over the internet but when I am playing I don't always want to stop and go Google search something.
You don't have that feature for Acts 1 - 4, nor do you have it for Act 6 or Act 7 Beta. So why do you still have it on Act 5?
The suggestion is to please take off the Zoom Lock for Act 5 so that players can zoom in and out like ever other Act in the Story Mode.
I get why it's on the Abyss of Legends, but Act 5 is not new anymore. Again, you don't have that feature on the newer Act's like Act 6 or 7 so why have it on for Act 5?
Thank you for your time.