who to use against 6.1.2 sentinal?

i'm currently at 6.1.2 with the biohazard sentinal. my only bleed immune champs are darkhawk (r1) and korg (r1), and i have blade (4/55) and ronin (6 star r1), who can shrug off debuffs. Would any of these champs be viable for this fight?


  • DeaconDeacon Member Posts: 4,337 ★★★★★
    well if Corvus isn't an option . then Blade or Darkhawk should be good to go .. Blade shrugs off the bleed pretty good and Darkhawk is immune. i doubt Korg could but who knows maybe.
  • Skillful_starSkillful_star Member Posts: 761 ★★★
    I tried with a r2 unawakened darkhawk and he honestly just takes too long with the arc overload, so if you have the patience then yeah he works. But since you're in the same boat as I was you might not want to run act 6 anyways until you have a good bleed immune cause you're gonna hit an even bigger brick wall when you reach xbones.
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