Solo crystals, act 2-4 rewards and iso arena

Hello everyone,
I had some ideas the previous days and I decided to ask your opinion about them. First of all the solo crystals ( lesser and greater) have very poor rewards and none is interested on them. Even for someone who just start the game they are kinda useless. It would be a good update if we have rewards depending on the ranknof each champion ( uncollected, Cavaliers etc). Other than that I noticed that rewards in act 2-3-4 are too old. The game has changed a lot through the years and for example when someone 100% act 4 probably he won't care about 4* awaken gem as he or she will has a lot 5* . Another example is that after the update or act 1 rewards, act 1 has better rewards from act 2 and 3. One final idea I have is that nowadays we need a lot iso and it's hard to get it especially when you start the game. It would be good if we had an arena, daily for class or one time per week for generic iso. It would be a significant improvement. What do you think about this ideas? I would be happy to know your opinions.
I had some ideas the previous days and I decided to ask your opinion about them. First of all the solo crystals ( lesser and greater) have very poor rewards and none is interested on them. Even for someone who just start the game they are kinda useless. It would be a good update if we have rewards depending on the ranknof each champion ( uncollected, Cavaliers etc). Other than that I noticed that rewards in act 2-3-4 are too old. The game has changed a lot through the years and for example when someone 100% act 4 probably he won't care about 4* awaken gem as he or she will has a lot 5* . Another example is that after the update or act 1 rewards, act 1 has better rewards from act 2 and 3. One final idea I have is that nowadays we need a lot iso and it's hard to get it especially when you start the game. It would be good if we had an arena, daily for class or one time per week for generic iso. It would be a significant improvement. What do you think about this ideas? I would be happy to know your opinions.