Diminishing returns

I'm sure the issues we are having with parry and champions abilities not working are do to diminishing returns. With every update they introduce more and more diminishing returns and we complain about a bug. It's not a bug it's intended. We are now facing the same issues we had with 12.0. How do we let them know that it is not acceptable?


  • RotmgmoddyRotmgmoddy Member Posts: 916 ★★★
    I'll just bring this quote I found in another thread, have a look (not my reply):
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    Diminishing returns explicitly affects flat stats. All of the flat stats that used to be expressed as percentages are now given rating numbers. DR is the formula that converts the rating to a percentage. I posted a spreadsheet on the old forums that calculated DR that I need to get around to recreating the thread for, but it is here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1t10zVx4zvPsGVj1y1WQYy7HXQvYNpAwM9jZ2GkQeAJM

    DR doesn't directly affect masteries, but when a mastery directly affects a flat stat then DR ultimately does affect the mastery, just indirectly. In other words, suppose you have a critical rating of 686, and you're fighting a champion that is 5/50 (I'll explain in a minute why that's important). That equates to a critical percentage of 25.54%. Now lets say you also have rank 5 precision, which gives you +425 critical rating. DR does not directly touch that. But what happens is your critical rating goes up from 686 to 686+425=1111. DR affects *that*, converting 1111 to 35.71%.
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