In game messages from Kabam should tell us about new bugs/problems, not just to sell things.

Everyday we receive in-game messages letting us know an item is available for purchase that will help advance further in the game. You also send us messages about the new upcoming content. Whether directly, or not, both of these messages help produce revenue for Kabam. I get it. This is a business. The money drives the game. I have no issue with this, but its self-serving. We also get messages to inform us of upcoming maintenance breaks. This would be a nice gesture, but its the standard for all games on all platforms that connect to the internet.
Perhaps you could send us pro-active messages that lets us know that there could be a possible bug concerning a character, or content. You have arguably done this in the past, but it seems to be days/weeks after the issue has been widely known. I've only ever found out about a bug after I've fallen victim to what I perceive to be a possibility of one and then consult the forum.
The forum is helpful but it can be a lot to wade through and I shouldn't have to check it seemingly every other day to be safe. The announcement of encompassing the various YouTube personalities and content creators might help. If I'm being honest though, is that reeeaaaallllly going to happen, because these bases that were released are incredible!
I know that this would be a burden, as you create new bugs with every update, but you're revenue is in the millions and you have us to thank for that.
I'm sure this has been said before, sorry fellow players.
Perhaps you could send us pro-active messages that lets us know that there could be a possible bug concerning a character, or content. You have arguably done this in the past, but it seems to be days/weeks after the issue has been widely known. I've only ever found out about a bug after I've fallen victim to what I perceive to be a possibility of one and then consult the forum.
The forum is helpful but it can be a lot to wade through and I shouldn't have to check it seemingly every other day to be safe. The announcement of encompassing the various YouTube personalities and content creators might help. If I'm being honest though, is that reeeaaaallllly going to happen, because these bases that were released are incredible!
I know that this would be a burden, as you create new bugs with every update, but you're revenue is in the millions and you have us to thank for that.
I'm sure this has been said before, sorry fellow players.