BW dupe

I recently duped my 4* BW but i don't know what is does? Can someone tell me what it actually does?


  • AfridAfrid Member Posts: 529 ★★
    Her signature ability reduces defensive abilities
  • TheMageHunterTheMageHunter Member Posts: 711 ★★
    Basically the thing that happen while hitting the opponent have less chances of happening while using her
  • SharkPowerr99SharkPowerr99 Member Posts: 163
    Does that also work with critical hits like gamora with her sp1 is 100% critical chance does she reduce that to
  • TheMageHunterTheMageHunter Member Posts: 711 ★★
    Does that also work with critical hits like gamora with her sp1 is 100% critical chance does she reduce that to

    Let me rephrase that "Only the thing that happen FROM HER HITS have less chances of happning"

    So the answer to your question is no
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,197 ★★★★★
    No, that's an offensive ability.

    It does mean she has a pretty good chance to not trigger regeneration, arc overloads, furies, or resistances. She also reduces her opponents ability to evade by the same amount. Basically, she's useful against anyone who has a cool 'get out of jail free' ability; particularly if they're a science champion.

    All in all, she's very versatile; if not quite as good as she used to be (her ability used to hit 100%). Use her; but try not to get hit too much.
  • SharkPowerr99SharkPowerr99 Member Posts: 163
    Okay thanx @Magrailothos
  • godsquad891godsquad891 Member Posts: 779 ★★
    mines crystal awakened and level 80 but i find hit and miss unless you get the crit (always though it was because she wasn't a proper dupe) her synergy with hulk to improve stun is very useful tho
  • godsquad891godsquad891 Member Posts: 779 ★★
    mines crystal awakened and level 80 but i find hit and miss unless you get the crit (always though it was because she wasn't a proper dupe) her synergy with hulk to improve stun is very useful tho
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