Why is Iceman not immune to Ice Effects?

He's ICEman. A living Ice organism. Human Torch is immune to fire effects why is Iceman not immune to Ice effects? Even Colossus is immune to Ice effects now. Seems like a major oversight that has gone on forever.
Havoc & Cyclops are immune to each others energy blasts. Thats even more of a niche comic book addition that Ice effects not working on THE Ice champ of the contest.
Havoc & Cyclops are immune to each others energy blasts. Thats even more of a niche comic book addition that Ice effects not working on THE Ice champ of the contest.
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He doesn't need to be, and there is no reason for him to be immune. Logic aside, anything can happens
“Logic aside anything can happen” is probably the strangest hill to die on and we aren’t going to take these kind of responses much longer.
It's similar to how Incinerate wasn't a debuff when Hawkeye was released, which is why Hawkeye was given bleed on his Incendiary Arrow special.