Relaxed and Stress-Free Alliance

Hey everyone. I recently left my 7.5 mil alliance. I was an officer and the core members and I had been together for roughly 1.5 years. Great people and great Alliance!! I, however, probably like most of you had gotten tired of the highly competitive nature of the game. Started to lose sight of all the fun aspects of the game. So all that being said, I, along with some of my long-time MCOC friends, created an alliance that is purely for fun! There are no rules or regulations. Nothing is expected or demanded. Participation in ALL events is purely voluntary. My only requirement is that you must be level 25 so that you can place 5 defenders for AW. This is a very relaxed and Stress-Free environment created for those that have actual lives and can't always hop on game at any given moment to move in AQ/AW. However, most of us are pretty active to be honest.
So if anyone is interested in joining our alliance, please contact me or just look us up and join. It's set to open.
[ ÄTÄ ] Arming The Ataris
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