Rifts and rng??



  • PantherusNZPantherusNZ Member Posts: 2,340 ★★★★★
    Statistically, you should only buy the Chronometer if a specific AG would make a major difference to your roster and progression, otherwise it's not worth it.

    Now you COULD get that exact AG by random chance, or you COULD get another AG, or you COULD get the lowest-quality prizes every time and kick yourself for not getting the chrono...it's down to chance. Not buying the chrono gets you the most rolls of the dice; statistically you should get some good loot.
  • KennadoKennado Member Posts: 1,014 ★★★
    Woody15 said:

    I've done 10 epic rifts so far and I've been pretty happy with my results. This isn't the exact order, but it's close.
    1k 5*
    2k 5*
    100 6*
    100 6*
    Mystic sig stones
    Cosmic sig stones
    Mystic awakening gem
    4.5k t5b
    5 star featured (domino)

    No chronometer for me! Rolling the dice every time

    Same. I don't need the gem but it would be nice to get one to hold just in case. Other than that, I'm fine doing all randoms.
  • Skinnyfatboy82Skinnyfatboy82 Member Posts: 32
    Do tier 4 rifts it has way more better rewards even though it’s a bit harder

    It has an 11% chance. There are three other items which have a higher percentage, that being T4 Basic Cat Fragments (18,000)(16%), 4-Star Hero Crystal Shards(2000)(16%), and Tier 4 Class Cat Frags (9000)(13%). /

    By the way did another rift today and got T4 Basic Catalyst. I'm certainly not complaining, but find it interesting that I keep getting the same item.


  • cookiedealercookiedealer Member Posts: 260 ★★

    My rifts have been:
    1,000 5 star shards
    Tech sigs
    1,000 5 star shards
    Science Awakening Gem (Chronometer)
    Skill sigs.
    As usual, I keep getting the bottom rung of the rewards. I mean, I need the Sig stones for pretty much all classes, but at this point in the game, it really should be more than 5 class based ones. I prefer that they are 10-15 generic ones in the future.

    My pulls are very similar so far, but mutant sigs instead of skill sigs (and I chose mystic AG with chronometer).

    Do you happen to be saving 5* shards?
  • sacoma_sack78sacoma_sack78 Member Posts: 142
    Every "Rift" event has been a lackluster to be honest. This one, I've saved up for the chronokey in hopes of a skill gem to be there and have yet to see one. My first random I got the feature 5* which was Groot unfortunately. Rest of the randoms were also sad.
  • ReferenceReference Member Posts: 2,916 ★★★★★
    Got skill AG, featured crystal, 100 6* shards and 1000 5* shards so far from RNG. Will do RNG run again once I stock up 3500 intels. If I can get one more AG from RNG then I probably just don’t redeem the chronometer.
  • ColleenColleen Member Posts: 182
    Yeah I just don’t get the point of the chronometer then??? Like we risk our rng without the chronometer and if you did buy the chronometer you’re still risking rng....again I still have 8 runs left to get a cosmic gem but honestly I’m just quite angry rn cause it seems like I bought the chronometer for no reason
  • ReferenceReference Member Posts: 2,916 ★★★★★
    Colleen said:

    Yeah I just don’t get the point of the chronometer then??? Like we risk our rng without the chronometer and if you did buy the chronometer you’re still risking rng....again I still have 8 runs left to get a cosmic gem but honestly I’m just quite angry rn cause it seems like I bought the chronometer for no reason

    I guess you don't exactly get how the chronometer works.

    You can buy the T4 Rift pass, enter the Rift and see if the class AG you want is here. If it is here, go out to store (not exit the Rift) and redeem the Chronometer and then go back to the Rift. Then no RNG risk from running the Chronometer path.

    The trade-off of Chronometer is actually 5 entries to T4 Rift.
  • ToxicTashaToxicTasha Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2020
    I’ve done it five times now as well and have only seen Mystic awakening gems. So frustrating, I thought that I was the only one because my fiancé plays too and he got his desired awakening gem on the first try (skill) and has seen multiple other class gems. So I knew his changed but mine has been Mystic every single time. I’m seriously starting to doubt I’ll get my Cosmic awakening gem before it ends. I thought the whole purpose of saving up to buy the key was that you could wait and choose which ever class you needed as it changed each time. I don’t care about the other rewards, but if I’m not able to get the awakening gem that I wanted I’m going to feel ripped off.
  • SnurrisSnurris Member Posts: 440 ★★★

    Guessing my luck is high...
    2x t2 alpha
    2x featured crystals
    1x awakening gem (tech)
    1x t5b 4500 frags
    3x sig stones (science x2 and mutant x1)

    No chronometer used at all

    Yes my friend. You’re very lucky. Congrats!
  • Pdexter86Pdexter86 Member Posts: 91
    Guys, I'm doing the T4 Red rifts. I used the chrono first time through for 10k 5 star shards (got Diablo, what an absolute waste that was).
    I have been back into rifts 4 times since then with the randoms and it takes me the EXACT SAME PATH every time, up to the top left path, also the reward is ALWAYS the same thing! I feel like there is a bug here, sick of 5 star sig stones!
  • Pdexter86Pdexter86 Member Posts: 91

    Do tier 4 rifts it has way more better rewards even though it’s a bit harder

    It has an 11% chance. There are three other items which have a higher percentage, that being T4 Basic Cat Fragments (18,000)(16%), 4-Star Hero Crystal Shards(2000)(16%), and Tier 4 Class Cat Frags (9000)(13%). /

    By the way did another rift today and got T4 Basic Catalyst. I'm certainly not complaining, but find it interesting that I keep getting the same item.


    This is the same behaviour I am seeing. Does it send you to the same path every time? top left? Others in my alliance are having this same issue. Must be some kind of bug
  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★
    Pdexter86 said:

    Do tier 4 rifts it has way more better rewards even though it’s a bit harder

    It has an 11% chance. There are three other items which have a higher percentage, that being T4 Basic Cat Fragments (18,000)(16%), 4-Star Hero Crystal Shards(2000)(16%), and Tier 4 Class Cat Frags (9000)(13%). /

    By the way did another rift today and got T4 Basic Catalyst. I'm certainly not complaining, but find it interesting that I keep getting the same item.


    This is the same behaviour I am seeing. Does it send you to the same path every time? top left? Others in my alliance are having this same issue. Must be some kind of bug
    I believe it's called rng. Some people get really lucky, while others get shafted. Unfortunately, it's just how rifts work
  • Candid_and_FrankCandid_and_Frank Member Posts: 35
    I’ve done 10 runs on 2 accounts. First acct has seen 4 mutant and 1 cosmic AG. Second acct has seen 4 mutant and 1 tech AG. None of these are what I’m looking for.
  • Knorr7227Knorr7227 Member Posts: 187
    this event has been lackluster for me so far, I've done 5 runs each on both of my accts and have gotten nothing but the 5* sig stones on each acct..I've gotten, mutant, science and cosmic (2xs) and skill.. doesn't matter if I do the runs consecutively or throughout the day, every single run lands me on the top-left path.. :/
  • Salamandah_881Salamandah_881 Member Posts: 5
    Colleen said:

    I’ve been able to do 5 rifts and I’m starting to get a feeling that’s it’s trolling me. Do we have to pick up the awakening gem for it to change...I’ve had one skill awakening gem and FOUR science. Even though I still have 8 chances left at a cosmic I’m still getting worried and honestly quite angry. Has anyone else had this problem?

    I guess I’m the unluckiest then. I’ve opened five rifts now and have been offered mystic awakening gem in all of them. It’s really pissing me off because I’ve been looking for a cosmic. Just wish kabam would stop all this ****

  • ItsDamienItsDamien Member Posts: 5,626 ★★★★★
    ItsDamien said:

    Colleen said:

    I’ve been able to do 5 rifts and I’m starting to get a feeling that’s it’s trolling me. Do we have to pick up the awakening gem for it to change...I’ve had one skill awakening gem and FOUR science. Even though I still have 8 chances left at a cosmic I’m still getting worried and honestly quite angry. Has anyone else had this problem?

    The RNG does seem a little weird. But I think it's more confirmation bias than anything else. My pulls so far in order have been.

    4500 T5B
    4500 T5B
    Cosmic Awakening Gem (Chronometer choice)
    5 Mutant Sigs
    4500 T5B

    It's definitely.... Weird.
    Yesterday got another 4500 T5B.... That's 4 times.
  • Salamandah_881Salamandah_881 Member Posts: 5
    SparkAlot said:

    Colleen said:

    I’ve been able to do 5 rifts and I’m starting to get a feeling that’s it’s trolling me. Do we have to pick up the awakening gem for it to change...I’ve had one skill awakening gem and FOUR science. Even though I still have 8 chances left at a cosmic I’m still getting worried and honestly quite angry. Has anyone else had this problem?

    You got about a 17% chance of getting the AG you want each time you enter, so, it is part of Kabam's use of RNG in everything they do. Lots of times you get burnt, on occasion you win.
    Yh, but then you have like a 0.008% chance of getting the same awakening gem four times in a row

  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★

    I've done three rifts back to back and each time I got the same thing, the Tier 4 Basic Cat. I find it interesting to get the same thing three times in a row. Anyone else have this kind of odds when doing rifts?

    That's completely within the bounds of possibility. Someone else prolly got three AGs in a row. Most get a random selection of rewards, but every combo you can imagine is possible.
  • mostlyharmlessnmostlyharmlessn Member Posts: 1,388 ★★★★
    Colleen said:

    I’ve been able to do 5 rifts and I’m starting to get a feeling that’s it’s trolling me. Do we have to pick up the awakening gem for it to change...I’ve had one skill awakening gem and FOUR science. Even though I still have 8 chances left at a cosmic I’m still getting worried and honestly quite angry. Has anyone else had this problem?

    Every time I run the rift it's been Tech AG, very frustrating because at this point I wasted a lot of time buying the Chronometer
  • BowTieJohnBowTieJohn Member Posts: 2,510 ★★★★
    So after two more rifts I got 1 more Tier 4 Basic Cat and 1 Tier 4 Mystic Cat. So at least one item which is different from the rest. RNG is RNG. ;)
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