28M plat 4/tier 4 alliance looking for ONE player. AQ 5x5 with 250M score

Hey all,
Venom needs one recruit before the season starts in a couple of days. We’re AW focused so we run 5x5 AQ and put up 250M score which nets us 4600 glory per cycle.
We’ve been platinum 4 for ages and our core has been together for a long time as well. Looking for guys who have experience playing against flow global node.
Add me on line if interested: OG_Steele
Venom needs one recruit before the season starts in a couple of days. We’re AW focused so we run 5x5 AQ and put up 250M score which nets us 4600 glory per cycle.
We’ve been platinum 4 for ages and our core has been together for a long time as well. Looking for guys who have experience playing against flow global node.
Add me on line if interested: OG_Steele