About Red Guardian against 6.2.5 Mordo

My question comes after watching this video:
Why Mordo does not "astal evade" Red Guardian?
The evasion prevention comes from the slow debuff, right?
Slow reduces by 100% the accuracy of evasion and unstoppable abilities, but Mordo should be immune to ability accuracy reduction.
Am I missing something?

Why Mordo does not "astal evade" Red Guardian?
The evasion prevention comes from the slow debuff, right?
Slow reduces by 100% the accuracy of evasion and unstoppable abilities, but Mordo should be immune to ability accuracy reduction.
Am I missing something?
*I do not think that fully explains it though because passive anti evade effects like Prox’s true accuracy, KM’s true strike and Storm Pyramid X’s passive coldsnap also prevent the evade. Those aren’t a modification of ability accuracy but rather a denial of the ability.
So it’d be safer to say that ability accuracy modification has nothing to do with stoping the evade, certain effects just flat out erase the possibility of an evade.
About Mordo's passive ability reduction I think that the adding of the word "passive" before the word "effects" would be nice in order to describe correctly his intended behavior.
By reading his ability as they are written, he should evade normally while holding AAR debuffs.
Mephisto's description on the other hand is good because it specifically says that affects only the passive effects.
Additionally, the effects I listed are passive effects that prevent his evade which to me shows there is something else going on there. I’m not sure how you can say anti evade effects are working fine but slow’s anti evade is not.
Anti-evade effect work fine because they are not "ability accuracy reduction" effects, neither active or passive. This is why I think they work correctly.
The in-game description states that Mordo is immune just to passive AAR effects. It is different from the website one.