Do you like AQ mods?

Broncs2Broncs2 Member Posts: 15
People are saying they are bored and tired of AQ. The newest response is they are going to add more challenging mods. IMO this is the wrong direction and mods should be removed. I think challenging content should be kept in EQ, variants, and story quests not daily content. What do you think?

Do you like AQ mods? 26 votes

I look forward to fighting a stacked champ with bane the first thing in the morning and the last thing I do every night
GroundedWisdomAdixRajTheKiryuMatimus_13TimeGenesis 5 votes
I hate them and only do it for the minimal increase in rewards
LogarooStefanjonesjdrum663ForwardMqc19_ASDF_SevSynCharnutzWine_LoverItsDamienTheDuke899-sixate-Silver_SagaFiiNCHPyrdaFlashSpideyAouxWouxGrumpy 18 votes
I hate them and have left my alliance or thinking of leaving for lower map alliance
Lvernon15MenkentTheInfinty 3 votes


  • MenkentMenkent Member Posts: 889 ★★★★
    I'm noncommittal. I don't like them, per se, but there are stupider ways to determine aq ranking... like prestige.
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    Don’t have an issue with them but don’t love them either, they make aq harder but the rewards bump is solid
  • Broncs2Broncs2 Member Posts: 15
    Maybe the bigger problem is with AQ ranking.
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    SparkAlot said:

    AQ nodes is NOT the problem, changing them won't make one bit of difference.

    Name another game where you are required to log in to move every few hours? This is what people hate about AQ the most. It is actually like another job.

    Yeah, and having to stay up later than you want to get links down, it’s too demanding imo time wise, it should be 3 intervals if logging in I think, 1 per section, and extra logins for the bosses
  • Broncs2Broncs2 Member Posts: 15
    I think it should be 8 lanes and only the last 3 mini’s in section 3 link to boss with 10 energy and no mods. I never understood all of the links
  • Broncs2Broncs2 Member Posts: 15
    I know we have many issues in AQ but they say they get a lot of different opinions on many subjects so I just wanted them to get feedback on one topic. Do we like them or prefer not to do them
  • MenkentMenkent Member Posts: 889 ★★★★
    edited May 2020
    Oh, for the record I was talking about the current global buffs. I'm against adding more. This is another example of kabam trying to address a big problem by doing something irrelevant then declaring victory. AQ is stale, too expensive, and the rankings based on prestige have always been unfair. Tickets doesn't really lower the cost, just shifts it and causes new problems. Adding new, harder global buffs wont solve anything either. Its window dressing.
  • TheInfintyTheInfinty Member Posts: 1,495 ★★★★★
    I’m middle ground I don’t really like them that much but I don’t hate them they are just alright. As for making new ones? I’m not sure if I like that idea it could bring something easy like life transfer or something awful like Tunnel Vision. I think modifiers aren’t the best but I don’t absolutely despise them
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