
Looking for 3-4 players; AW Gold1; AQ 4x5 Rank 3000-3500ish

We're looking for players that don't have the time to run AQ map 5 or above, but still want to be competitive in AW. We run map 4 and you wont have to login every 5 hours to make sure the map gets cleared.

We have been in Gold1 the past two seasons and almost made it to Platinum4. Our goal is to always be in Gold1 and getting to Plat4 without using a bunch of resources would be a bonus. We've been bouncing around tier 5 and tier 6, but was in tier 5 majority of last season.

As an alliance, majority of us have been playing together for a long time. We are laid back and try to help each other keep progressing without making the game feel like a part time job. We make sure we communicate and avoid drama.

Our Alliance Tag is LGOTI and Name is Swedes. We have players from around the world, but mainly North America and Europe. If this interests you, contact me at:
IGN: Dash-Rendar
LINE: dash--rendar (two hyphens in between)


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