3* champs in cavalier crystals

I think that having 3* champs in the cavalier crystals is poor compensation for players who have put in the time and effort to become cavalier. A 3* champ is not worth 200-300 units. Please consider changing this
4 stars are worth 200 units.
But 5 and 6 star champs are worth far more than that.
So it balances out. If we assume the average drop rates of all champs. And making the middle ground always be the price you pay you can actually make a very decent representation of what alle star levels are worth in these crystals.
3* = 50% @ 60 units worth (price for a cavarlier PHC crystal, which 3* are the middle ground of)
4* = 38% @ 200 units (the crystal price)
5* = 11% @ 700 units (still worth a lot, but not as rare anymore)
6* = 1% @ 1750 units (still very rare, the average none spender has like 5-10 or so)
If you average to rates and units out you come to 200,5 units average. Not perfectly 200 but close enough with rounded estimates.
So the 3 stars should be in the cavalier crystals. If they where not the crystals would be much more expensive, based on the above explenation. (270 units if 5 and 6 star rates would stay the same and 4 stars would be 88%)
Confirm 4 star.... Means gold iso.