Map665 casual-AW LFM (27mil size | 300mil PM, 470 rank score

Join the family!
We are recruiting for our AQ Map 6/6/5 casual-AW alliance.
We have polished AQ performance! We are a team of experienced players (taking a break from Map 6 | Platinum 4). We are 27mil size. We just finished our first three months as a team, but many players are from the same team previously. Weekly rewards are top 500-600 in AQ. We always score over the the 300mil peak milestone yielding 5 Map7 crystals, atop the 25+ Map6 crystals too!
Please message me on Line app: Gestorter
AW-Casual, Defined:
We are casual-AW too. To us we define that as 2 BGs, without item spend. We are too of Silver 1 this season, 1 fight from Gold3. Not bad for a casual approach!---
* For these teams, having at least 4 r5 champs are necessary.* Map6 experience is a must
* North American players are preferred, but any are welcome to apply!
* Recruits must LIKE playing this game. We can show players how to grow and get to expert level (Map6|Plat4), but only if they are having fun!
* To us, enjoying the game means you probably already log in 4+ times a day and likely are not offline for more than 9hrs.
* Recruits also should be ambitious to complete monthly quests to grow their accounts.
* Donations are Gold: 250k, Loyalty: 18k, Battle Chips: 24,200 (exactly 44u)
Side Benefit:
If you can excel here, we recruit into a more dedicated team from within our family. Our main 5 year old team "[CABL0] Cabal Prime" (Plat 4 | Map 6) shows the strength of our gameplay experience.We have created a family of alliances called the Cabal Coalition. Our mission is to allow AQ Map 6 players take a break into a Map 5 team, for Map 5 players to upgrade into Platinum AW, and to allow us to better recruit from within the family.
We even have a Map4 learning team, a map 2/3 team, and a retirement/vacation home!
Coalition Makeup
[CABL0] | Cabal Prime | Map 6 | Plat 4
[CABL1] | Cabal Kings | Map 665 | casual-AW
[CABL2] | Cabal UA | Map 5 | Gold 2
[CABL4] | Cabal SerpX | Map 5 | casual-AW
[CABL5] | Cabal Revenge | Map 544 | Gold 2
[CABL6] | Cabal Intelligence Agency | Map 4 | casual-AW
[CABL3] | Cabal CUA | Map 32-retirement | casual-AW
Please message me on Line app: Gestorter
Lemme tell you guys about why we are AW-casual. See war is a game mode that requires heals. You have to spend heals with real money OR with glory. And glory is from AQ. So you are spending time in one game mode to support the other game mode. All your best rewards are going in one door and put the other!
Sure player vs player in a fighting game is the ideal game mode and AW is the closest we have to not fighting plain bots. Let's face it, we are REALLY good at playing against these bots 2,3, and 4 times the size of our champs. So Kabam lets us players add really super mean modifiers to our defenders to create the toughest challenge for our other players, the only real competitive tool we have to play against one another. So we got really good at adding defender nodes and global mods to AW. We are great at making one another lose to a tough defender. Which causes more spending of items, which again burns our glory stash and heal inventory. In the end, by trying to play head-to-head, all we accomplish is ruining the AQ glory rewards from one another. We don't even steal those for ourselves, just pass them back to Kabam.
So for that reason, my team runs casual-AW. Don't line the pocketbooks of Kabam. AW is the saddest form of competitive play in a fighting game, and it cannibalizes other game mkdes.: Glory, top champs, rankup materials, and the most precious resource, your time.
And let's face it, finding a like-minded player as me is gonna require a few "bumps" more. So expect another filibuster like this "adding on-topic content" to this post. Feel free to join in the fun, trash talking AW, which is on-topic to my recruiting post since it's the niche I have set for my team.
Let's talk AW rewards - the rewards suck too. AQ gives the same rewards: rankup materials + gold (and more of them), with the exception of two unique resources: crystal shards and loyalty.
Let's start by talking about the amounts. The glory store revamp was great. We can pull in up to 2 t2a a week and 50% of a t5b a week in AQ. While the AW season rewards gives a solid amount of rankup materials, it can't compete to the glory store, especially weekly. So at best, war tops you off with a few more of those great resources AQ does on its own. So focusing on AQ first and after the team gets bored, adding AW is the most efficient method of growing a team. We do that!
Now let's talk about the unique rewards. Loyalty was critical to two things. First, boosts. Those help make you stronger in AW, and really make for efficient battles. Love them. So loyalty grows from war and is fed back into war. However as we all know there's another use for loyalty: AQ donations. This is the only way that war helps AQ. And the requirement isnt really "help", it's a burden. We HAVE to "donate" loyalty each week to even start AQ. Since the map doesn't start until an amount is paid, that seems like a cost more than an optional "donation" huh? So we need to play AW in order to afford to play AQ. That forces players to war when they may not want to. Well, until this week, when Kabam removed the treasury and will relax the use of donations. So that's cool... If you run map5. Map6 and map7 players are still tied to this broken system where we HAVE to run war or spend real world money / units to afford to play AQ. Hopefully the new cost to AQ is cheap enough that we can use a different currency. Last I checked the quantifiable details of cost won't be released for another week or two. So we have loyalty currency paying for AQ, where we get the best rewards, which can get cannibalized back to war of we choose. And if you think of it, using loyalty for AQ is kind of cannibalizing your AW boosts too! So both rewards are on-loan from Kabam, just to fuel the other game play. And donations also loan is other rewards: BC and gold, which we need to give back to fuel the next game mode. It's a lot of cannibalization.
What's the way around this horrible cycle of playing for rewards you see but are forced to pay back as a tax for being active? Glad you asked. My team. Yup, still on topic here. See, we offer casual-AW meaning you DON'T have to play war if you banked loyalty. And when you do play, you don't need boosts. We know we won't compete very well, and that leaves more loyalty and glory in your pocket. We play war, because we HAVE to in order to afford AQ, but that's it. Sure we play smart and win a lot too. But only to get paid, son! Haha.
Casual-AW is a protest against this cannibalizing system, forced taxation, and playing without rewards. It's a brilliant niche for alliances. Play to pay! So join Cabal Kings, to really win at MCOC.
We brag about our great champs. We spend gold and unique resources to rank those champs, we recruit based on what champs we see. If I saw someone with an r5 5* Netflix Daredevil... I may have some questions but you probably won't get into my team. Haha.
So AW gives 6* shards. And those are really hard to come by. Top AW teams have sooooo many 6* champs. Sure they pay to win, but they also spin the wheel like the rest of us, and every shard helps.
AW more than AQ gives new champs. It isn't great unique point of difference and a reason to play it. Except, I'll argue, only for end-game teams.
Shards are, well, a Kabam Kasino roll of the roulette wheel. Other than buying a OG vision or a Deadpool, no champ is guaranteed. We all spin the wheel, day in and out, usually for junk. Out of the 150+ champs in the game, only half are "good". And most of the shards we get as advanced players are 2*, 3*, and 4* champ spins. Even 5* are worthless to some end game players. So most of our spins are worthless. When we finally get to "step up to the table" for the only spin we care about, in my case 6* champs, I still have a 50/50 chance of getting a **** one.
So what I'm saying is, I play to MAYBE win a casino game for a champ I want. The odds are stacked against me.
War is essentially, fueling a casino. You itch for one more chance at a god-tier champ that will likely never come. And you play against opponents in AW that all seem to have these champs. They don't get invited to the good teams without the best champs or prestige rankups. So the "Jones" your opponent and your friend, all have the champs you can't seem to find the luck to pull. That drives us to war. We want what others have, we want a fair shot at winning this game mode, which as I already brought up, is paid for by other game modes like AQ. We are psychologically thinking everyone around us is getting the 1/150+ chance at Corvus 6*... And we are the ONLY ones who dont have him yet. So we play harder, to never get that elusive champ. We war, to fuel war. It's pretty deep if you think about it.
The only way to "win" war is to not fuel more war. Which brings me back to my team. We play optional war. Take your chance at another champ spin if you dare, we do win wars! We just let you opt out or coast, unlike 95% of Map6 alliances. We are unique and offer you a way to really win MCOC better than anyone else around! By not being sucked into a cycle of losing (war).
Clearly when we focus on AQ without the mess of competitive AW, it pays off!