6.4.4 icarus + killmonger

PCottonPCotton Member Posts: 4
So, I was trying to take killmonger through the icarus path on 6.4.4 when my indestructible charges don't seem to be working. Is this due to aa reduction on incinerates? Even when the charges have already been procced? Why would they not trigger?


  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    They only work for hits, not the Icarus degen
  • Crys23Crys23 Member Posts: 877 ★★★★
    Have you ever fought a KM that had indestructible charges and placed a dot debuff on him? What happened?
  • OdachiOdachi Member Posts: 1,146 ★★★★
    You need to take void for the healing, thats the path I did, BP CW is nice to have just take the first hit, go unstoppable win the game
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    His indestructible charges only allow him not to take damage from attacks. Any other source of damage will still affect him
  • YcatsYcats Member Posts: 146 ★★
    There is a node that decreases ability accuracy by 80% while you have an incinerate so even if you already have the indestructible charges the enemies attacks can bypass the charges.
  • PCottonPCotton Member Posts: 4
    Thanks guys I know all that, I had void, it's a common Icarus counter. I'm at 6.4 :) . It's the AA interaction that's throwing me as @Ycats points out, I didn't realize it could bypass charges already saved but figured that was the interaction.
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