Looking for active Map 4/3 players. Alt accounts welcome

LINE required. Add me: jonarctargaryen
We do 3 Battlegroups AQ - 4/3/2 with heroic modifiers
AQ score - 50 mil
AW is voluntary on one Battlegroup. Allows all to participate in minimum of 5 wars to receive season rewards.
Currently have 2 spots left. We have 5 high prestige players currently in the alliance building their alt accounts.
We do 3 Battlegroups AQ - 4/3/2 with heroic modifiers
AQ score - 50 mil
AW is voluntary on one Battlegroup. Allows all to participate in minimum of 5 wars to receive season rewards.
Currently have 2 spots left. We have 5 high prestige players currently in the alliance building their alt accounts.
Contact LINE: jonarctargaryen