Trash Pulls from Feature 5 Star crystals and basic 5 star crystals !!



  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    SGT_M9 said:

    @Demonzfyre if I flipped a coin with 2 sides. (TWO SIDES) Yes very possible to land on heads 3 times. Now pick a coin with 187 sides? You gonna land on the same 3 right in a row? I highly doubt that genius. You’re reaching far now silly beams

    Chances to land on the same 3 in a row, very very low.

    Does this mean it's impossible? No.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,782 ★★★★★
    SGT_M9 said:

    @Demonzfyre first of all excuse me for an autocorrect. Secondly. I’m not confusing anything. I’m simply stating that there is a systematic flaw in there system. Funny thing is you like to deny the fact to make kabam and yourself feel better so impulsive people waste money on this game. You’re always on here bashing people to try an get better. I’ve never stayed give me all titles for free. They know they can do better with crystals rng and rewards. They choose not to because they make hand over fist and screw the little guys

    This whole thread is about 5 and 6* pulls. You can't buy those crystals. So how are you wanting money on those. I'm bashing anyone. I'm pointing out the flaws in your posts like many others on here. You called me a turd remember? I think you are the one bashing.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★

    I imagine it’s the same “controlled randomness” as pulling a Vegas slot. True randomness could be pulling doom every time also.

    Demonzfyre breath. This isn’t war. No one on the internet cares about who wins the semantics/facts debate on the kabam forum. I buy 3000 units for 100$, I use 3000 units to buy 10 cavalier crystals. I get 2 5* out of those ten, guess what I bought with money. And let’s be honest, I know that’s hard for you, exactly zero percent of people playing this are spending money to open 3*. I know you need “proof”, watch any seatin crystal opening video, or any thread begging to take 3* out of the cav crystals. Yes, I typed “zero percent” here for all to see, and my words are the gospel, so go scan the forums like you get paid to and find the argument to my statement that No one cares about.

    I know you’re sitting there in your parents basement or kabam hq cubicle just squeezing your phone or slamming your keyboard while screaming like a child who didn’t get their way, and that makes me feel bad. You’re clearly emotionally invested in this to the teeth for some reason so here it is for all to see. You win. YOU WIN YAY!!!! Here’s your prize..
    Wait... Are you really complaining about rng? Oh man...
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★

    When I get a perfect refund SEVERAL MONTHS LATER of all resources spent on all variations of namor and cull obsidian that CLEARLY SHOWS EVERYTHING IS RECORDED AND SAVED, YES IM PRETTY SURE AN ALGORITHM DETERMINES WHAT I GET BASED ON MY CALCULATED LEVEL OF ADDICTION TO A GAME. Look at the patent they have that they’re “not using”.
    Erm.... It doesn't take a genius to figure out all the resources spent on all variations of Namor and Cull Obsidian.... Nor does it require records...
  • Eternal_Tripod83Eternal_Tripod83 Member Posts: 84

    Awww the shill crews ganging up on me help me! I guess everyone had (6) 3* namor dupes, (2) 5* namor dupes, used (53) 5* mutant stones, etc etc. and got the exact same refund as me? Nope nothing’s recorded doesn’t take a genius nothing to see here folks. I know, I know....”prove it”
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