Potential Masteries Re-work

Hi all,
Another set of potential changes that can be made to the game here. I will try to go into a bit of detail on how Kabam can re-work the masteries to be up to par with the game in the current day, as they are very outdated. All thoughts and comments welcome!
1. These two go hand in hand, so I'll address the first issue. Increase Summoner Level to go to 100. By doing so, give us masteries along the way to help us better allocate points. Currently, at Level 60, we have 59 mastery points. Not sure how much will make the game imbalanced, but I feel like 80 points overall could suffice with the changes I have below. Give 1 Mastery point for every Level up to Level 60. Then 1 Mastery point every 2 Levels past Level 60. This totals to 80 points @ Level 100.
2. Make 3-5 slots of Mastery setups that we can customize (Maybe give us one setup slot for every 20 Summoner Levels). This saves time when we have to switch masteries for War, Questing, etc. Also, give us the ability to switch between these setups prior to starting content. To be fair, instead of us switching between every fight (which we would abuse), let us choose a single Mastery Setup prior to entering the content at hand. Put it on the same screen where we edit our team to choose as a part of our "Load Out".
3. Tying in the point above, allow us to name our mastery setups.
4. Once we've paid for the rank up on a specific mastery (with Gold, Units, or Mastery Cores) we should never have to pay again when changing masteries! These should be a 1 time transaction!
5. Combine all Scouter Lens masteries together to form a single Mastery for AQ/AW.
6. Everyone only uses Mystic Dispersion. Make the other class-based masteries just a good! (You cannot nerf MD). Here are some ideas (Assuming 5/5 Mastery Points in each one):
Science (Something to do with Debuffs) - Increase their duration & potency by up to 30%
Skill (Something to do with reducing Ability Accuracy) - For every intercept, reduce AA by 2%
Mutant (Something to do with Special Attack Damage) - For ever bar of power you gain, increase Special Attack damage by 5%
Tech (Something to do with Power Drain) - For every critical hit, power burn 5% of max power
Cosmic (Something to do with Buffs) - Increase their duration & potency by up to 30%
Whatever the changes are, make them just as OP as MD. The limited Mastery Points will force us to choose, since we can't have all without giving up in other areas of the proficiencies. Again, this deals with the total masteries allowed. A very touchy balance that can be thrown off easily. This one change will require a lot of testing before Kabam puts into the game, turns out to break the game, and will cause outrage when they try to nerf them.
7. Not sure what the "Coming Soon" masteries are, but they have been there for years. Please add them to the game!
There may be other changes that people would like to see, but these are the ones that come to mind for me. Feel free to add your own personal thoughts.
Another set of potential changes that can be made to the game here. I will try to go into a bit of detail on how Kabam can re-work the masteries to be up to par with the game in the current day, as they are very outdated. All thoughts and comments welcome!
1. These two go hand in hand, so I'll address the first issue. Increase Summoner Level to go to 100. By doing so, give us masteries along the way to help us better allocate points. Currently, at Level 60, we have 59 mastery points. Not sure how much will make the game imbalanced, but I feel like 80 points overall could suffice with the changes I have below. Give 1 Mastery point for every Level up to Level 60. Then 1 Mastery point every 2 Levels past Level 60. This totals to 80 points @ Level 100.
2. Make 3-5 slots of Mastery setups that we can customize (Maybe give us one setup slot for every 20 Summoner Levels). This saves time when we have to switch masteries for War, Questing, etc. Also, give us the ability to switch between these setups prior to starting content. To be fair, instead of us switching between every fight (which we would abuse), let us choose a single Mastery Setup prior to entering the content at hand. Put it on the same screen where we edit our team to choose as a part of our "Load Out".
3. Tying in the point above, allow us to name our mastery setups.
4. Once we've paid for the rank up on a specific mastery (with Gold, Units, or Mastery Cores) we should never have to pay again when changing masteries! These should be a 1 time transaction!
5. Combine all Scouter Lens masteries together to form a single Mastery for AQ/AW.
6. Everyone only uses Mystic Dispersion. Make the other class-based masteries just a good! (You cannot nerf MD). Here are some ideas (Assuming 5/5 Mastery Points in each one):
Science (Something to do with Debuffs) - Increase their duration & potency by up to 30%
Skill (Something to do with reducing Ability Accuracy) - For every intercept, reduce AA by 2%
Mutant (Something to do with Special Attack Damage) - For ever bar of power you gain, increase Special Attack damage by 5%
Tech (Something to do with Power Drain) - For every critical hit, power burn 5% of max power
Cosmic (Something to do with Buffs) - Increase their duration & potency by up to 30%
Whatever the changes are, make them just as OP as MD. The limited Mastery Points will force us to choose, since we can't have all without giving up in other areas of the proficiencies. Again, this deals with the total masteries allowed. A very touchy balance that can be thrown off easily. This one change will require a lot of testing before Kabam puts into the game, turns out to break the game, and will cause outrage when they try to nerf them.
7. Not sure what the "Coming Soon" masteries are, but they have been there for years. Please add them to the game!
There may be other changes that people would like to see, but these are the ones that come to mind for me. Feel free to add your own personal thoughts.
Team Kabam do something better with the game, stop ignoring guys..