Lets make the contest togather part 1

I want to start this thread by saying thank you Kabam for this great game.
I have been playing for over 5 years now and i loved i can say i love this game a lot and i would be very sad if it go.
But that is not my discussion its yours , after all its your own game But,Please put in your consideration that we (The MCOC Community) was the reason to make this game reaches the position it reached now.
You have great Content creators that helped to make this game where it is right now.
I was one of the player that was playing your game the same time seatin start makes videos about MCOC and from there and on i continued to support you with everything i can because you helped to deal with my boring and unmotivated personality to actually be better and improve myself and have fun at the same tume!
But in the past few years there where a lot of issues that's bothered me as player and continued to and now i am writing my first thread to tell you about all the issues and try to put a solution to it, i as player experience a lot of issues and makes me really frustrate and not having fun like i used to before these two years now i hope that if i speak for myself i can address the other as wheel , i hope i can make justice and respect to other opinions and would love to discuss with them and you so we can make the contest a fun place again for beginners,mid and end game players.
I will make this thread two parts to try addressing all the issues in the game right now.
With that being said lets dive in:
1-Alliance quest:
Now i know you introduced this new ticket system but it has some problems and that is:
-Alliances that run different maps will suffer huge disadvantage from at because if 10 members can run map 6 the other 20 cannot
and will just have to donate for a map they cannot play.
-Also the time out issue.
Make all Alliance quest map free.now i know how that sounds like for you but please take in mind the amount of time and effort players have to put in in order to just rank up their champions so i think alliance quest should be free.
This will allow alliances to run different maps and every one can get rewarded!
As for time either get rid of it or make each fight 10 minutes long at least so map 7 can clear the bosses without needing someone like corvuse glaive, also expand AQ energy cap to 15 or 20 to help the players to clear the AQ fast without needing to login all day.
2-Alliance War:
Flow,hard nodes that requires specific counter and an outdated rewards.
Now you have said in the past that you don't want the players to target a specific champion,Then You must not design a content that requires a specific champion right?and that not in Alliance war only but also act 6 which i will address later.
Remove Flow and do this one little thing:
Don't Allow alliance group to put the same defender (champion) so for example you fight 3 void or 3 domino.
Put a system that allow alliance member from each group to use that champion only once for example if i placed domino my friend can not place her too, like that.
This will not only makes war more fun but also it will encourages the player to use all of their roaster so champion like deadpool xforce can be used as a defender and a lot of other champions as wheel.
As for the attackers you can also put some kind of system that requires you to not use the same attackers you used in last war.
so if you used aegon,nick and ghost they will be locked from use in alliance war again for the next war so you can use them between
war and war and so do the others champions.
I believe this will make AW more balanced than now.
Also update the season rewards every year if not every six months please.
3-Summoner level update and new mastery:
Summoner level is very outdated and mastery hasn't been touched in years now.
Expand summoner level to level 70 once we become caviler and give us 10 more mastery points with introduction of new masterys
like a mastery that increase debuffs that we inflect to opponents or have a mastery that can give us endure passive once we reach 50% or 25% in fight of our maximum health.
Add mastery builds that we can switch between builds with no cost of unit if possible and please don't ask for unit when we rebuild our mastery tree.
4-Signature stones:
Lack of them as 4,5 and 6 *
When we dub any version of these champs for the first time (awaken the champion)
we don't get him/her to sig 20 but just awaken him/her and get signature stones of the same class as the dubbed champion:
-20 for 4*.
-40 for 5 and 6* because both of them is a max of 200 sig.
That is all for the first part thank you for reading all of this tomorrow i will upload the second.
I hope you implement one of these features in your June road map and i will be glad if you implements all of them!
I have been playing for over 5 years now and i loved i can say i love this game a lot and i would be very sad if it go.
But that is not my discussion its yours , after all its your own game But,Please put in your consideration that we (The MCOC Community) was the reason to make this game reaches the position it reached now.
You have great Content creators that helped to make this game where it is right now.
I was one of the player that was playing your game the same time seatin start makes videos about MCOC and from there and on i continued to support you with everything i can because you helped to deal with my boring and unmotivated personality to actually be better and improve myself and have fun at the same tume!
But in the past few years there where a lot of issues that's bothered me as player and continued to and now i am writing my first thread to tell you about all the issues and try to put a solution to it, i as player experience a lot of issues and makes me really frustrate and not having fun like i used to before these two years now i hope that if i speak for myself i can address the other as wheel , i hope i can make justice and respect to other opinions and would love to discuss with them and you so we can make the contest a fun place again for beginners,mid and end game players.
I will make this thread two parts to try addressing all the issues in the game right now.
With that being said lets dive in:
1-Alliance quest:
Now i know you introduced this new ticket system but it has some problems and that is:
-Alliances that run different maps will suffer huge disadvantage from at because if 10 members can run map 6 the other 20 cannot
and will just have to donate for a map they cannot play.
-Also the time out issue.
Make all Alliance quest map free.now i know how that sounds like for you but please take in mind the amount of time and effort players have to put in in order to just rank up their champions so i think alliance quest should be free.
This will allow alliances to run different maps and every one can get rewarded!
As for time either get rid of it or make each fight 10 minutes long at least so map 7 can clear the bosses without needing someone like corvuse glaive, also expand AQ energy cap to 15 or 20 to help the players to clear the AQ fast without needing to login all day.
2-Alliance War:
Flow,hard nodes that requires specific counter and an outdated rewards.
Now you have said in the past that you don't want the players to target a specific champion,Then You must not design a content that requires a specific champion right?and that not in Alliance war only but also act 6 which i will address later.
Remove Flow and do this one little thing:
Don't Allow alliance group to put the same defender (champion) so for example you fight 3 void or 3 domino.
Put a system that allow alliance member from each group to use that champion only once for example if i placed domino my friend can not place her too, like that.
This will not only makes war more fun but also it will encourages the player to use all of their roaster so champion like deadpool xforce can be used as a defender and a lot of other champions as wheel.
As for the attackers you can also put some kind of system that requires you to not use the same attackers you used in last war.
so if you used aegon,nick and ghost they will be locked from use in alliance war again for the next war so you can use them between
war and war and so do the others champions.
I believe this will make AW more balanced than now.
Also update the season rewards every year if not every six months please.
3-Summoner level update and new mastery:
Summoner level is very outdated and mastery hasn't been touched in years now.
Expand summoner level to level 70 once we become caviler and give us 10 more mastery points with introduction of new masterys
like a mastery that increase debuffs that we inflect to opponents or have a mastery that can give us endure passive once we reach 50% or 25% in fight of our maximum health.
Add mastery builds that we can switch between builds with no cost of unit if possible and please don't ask for unit when we rebuild our mastery tree.
4-Signature stones:
Lack of them as 4,5 and 6 *
When we dub any version of these champs for the first time (awaken the champion)
we don't get him/her to sig 20 but just awaken him/her and get signature stones of the same class as the dubbed champion:
-20 for 4*.
-40 for 5 and 6* because both of them is a max of 200 sig.
That is all for the first part thank you for reading all of this tomorrow i will upload the second.
I hope you implement one of these features in your June road map and i will be glad if you implements all of them!
It doesn't make sense. Like I could then awaken my Kamala Khan and then use my sig stones for CMM. If you get a bad champion, you should get a bad champion and everything bad that goes along with the champ. Why should you mess around with that? Also what happens to max sig crystals?
I agree that making sig stones more available would be great, but not in this way.
1- AQ, when given enough energy to do it 4x as quickly, makes it too easy. If you want the best rankup rewards, you should put in work. Obviously kinks need to be worked out with alliance tickets but this ain’t it.
2- Forcing diversity comes with a big problem. For high tier alliances who have their act together, they already do this, but if their own free will. For other alliances, where communication/organization is not there, little jimmy will put his shiny r2 5* Mojo unduped in real early while our officer ranked his 5* up to 5/65 to be a defender, but now he can’t. That’s just one example. You are trying to solve a problem that doesn’t exist for people who put in the effort.
3- I agree with more masteries, but the thing about increasing summoner level means the energy cap would go up, and Kabam makes all of their content with a energy cap of 70 in mind, and they would generally prefer keeping it there.
4- What notsavage said above
In story content it sucks, I agree, to need 1/2 champions just to get through the fundamental core of the game is flawed, however in AW I think it’s fine, what are the chances that 10 (or more of you run 2 BGS) players don’t have a champion or a certain utility set. Pretty much 0 and in the very rare case that they don’t, then most high tier alliances have some glory/spare units for an extra potion. Also AW is completely OPTIONAL. You can either not join an ally or join one that only runs AQ or even one that just runs 2 BGS so you can miss out.
Eg; All X-men begin the fight with two bars of power.
Furies are 40% more potent .. etc etc
Or atleast give us the option to buy them with loyalty or something