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Who to rank up?

SilverLikesSurfingSilverLikesSurfing Posts: 70
edited May 2020 in Strategy and Tips

Who to rank up? 18 votes

Mr. Sinister
Havok(in a couple weeks)
StellanSparx265 2 votes
Dead1Bonzodavid4dlaiSuperiorSymbiote 4 votes
Aspenshadow_lurker22TheInfintyHagureMeijin 4 votes
Osfan8Jedi_HawkeTheAngryOnemrcyrcleYa_Boi_28Giodood_1King_Leo321 7 votes
Mathgeek 1 vote


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    Sorry! Some pictures didn’t upload
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    SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Posts: 21,872 ★★★★★
    Sinister is mainly defense.

    I’m assuming four star Sunspot. Is he awakened?
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    mrcyrclemrcyrcle Posts: 87
    Definitely Magik here imo
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    Sinister is mainly defense.

    I’m assuming four star Sunspot. Is he awakened?

    yes, my sunspot is duped. Sig 20
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    SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Posts: 21,872 ★★★★★

    Sinister is mainly defense.

    I’m assuming four star Sunspot. Is he awakened?

    yes, my sunspot is duped. Sig 20
    If you could get some more sigs into him, definitely sunspot
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    Sinister is mainly defense.

    I’m assuming four star Sunspot. Is he awakened?

    yes, my sunspot is duped. Sig 20
    If you could get some more sigs into him, definitely sunspot
    I have 0 mutant sig stones. If I did, they would be going into my namor, who is sig 98 :'( , or my omega, who desperately needs more sigs.
    Does sunspot need a high sig level? Also, is he any good in 5.3?
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    King_Leo321King_Leo321 Posts: 1,211 ★★★
    5* all the way
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    no votes for havok? Is magik really necessary considering I have doom?
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    SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Posts: 21,872 ★★★★★

    Sinister is mainly defense.

    I’m assuming four star Sunspot. Is he awakened?

    yes, my sunspot is duped. Sig 20
    If you could get some more sigs into him, definitely sunspot
    I have 0 mutant sig stones. If I did, they would be going into my namor, who is sig 98 :'( , or my omega, who desperately needs more sigs.
    Does sunspot need a high sig level? Also, is he any good in 5.3?
    He gets really good at high sig, and does massive damage. He will get limited by the damage reduction, but BG did his free to play Act 5 run with Sunspot for most it. He puts in work
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