
Capn85Capn85 Member Posts: 9
Hello, I was pretty proud of myself for clearing 6.1 and getting my Cavalier title. In doing so it gave me enough 6* shards to get my 2nd ever champ. It was 6* venompool. What in the world will I do with him? I know you guys are saying you have work to do to revamp characters but wouldnt it make sense to remove these trash characters while you work on them and then reintroduce them? Putting in all that work for cavalier and getting an absolutely less than useful champ is completely insane and gut wrenching. Please think about this. Thank you


  • BestReconBestRecon Member Posts: 516 ★★★
    Do you mean temporarily removing them from the crystal or from our rosters?
  • BestReconBestRecon Member Posts: 516 ★★★
    I’m sorry but I disagree with this. If Kabam took away these trash champs from our rosters, some summoners would have their top champ removed which they would use for general questing. And if these champs were removed from crystals, this could be game breaking. This would highly increase our chances of getting beyond god teir champs in crystals. However I’m sure Kabam appreciates people like you trying to make the game better. Keep this up and you might change the game one day.
    P.S Grats on getting cavalier.
  • Capn85Capn85 Member Posts: 9
    Tha is for the feedback, all I'm saying is the crystals are filled to the brim with champs they aside from arena have no use what so ever especially with end game content. I was simply saying that while I am happy kabam is saying they are reworking champs they should do so with them temporarily removed from the Crystals.
  • Capn85Capn85 Member Posts: 9
    I can also appreciate that it's part of the game and if everyone were popping beyond God tier champs it would eventually take away the thrill of getting a B.G.T. champ. It's just nauseating to get a 6* venompool after the cavalier run and I would have been ok with a high or low demi God even. But a meme trash champ like VP is just crazy to me it's in the 6 pool
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★
    That would make no sense. You would then have a higher chance of getting a better champ.

    Since Hulkbuster is being reworked, I'll use him as an example. He's being buffed, so there's really no reason to remove him from the crystal because if you pull him, you'll eventually get a buffed version of him once the rework is live. Pulling him out of the crystal doesn't really do anything.
  • Capn85Capn85 Member Posts: 9
    My point is putting in venompool or joe fix it or iron fist or og iron man in the 6* pool is ridiculous. They serve no purpose other than arena points and that isnt good enough. There is no reasonable explanation for such **** champs to be in the pool. I have 2 6*s so far and I'm f2p so grinding took forever. I got an electro which isnt too terrible but not super useful and now I got venompool. Obviously pulling HB would be dumb since he is being reworked.
  • Capn85Capn85 Member Posts: 9
  • Maverick75Maverick75 Member Posts: 805 ★★★
    There are many more champions that desserve a rework than champions good as they are...
    Kabam have a lot of work on these champions but would not modify them. Why ? Because if you are happy with your fresh champion, you want less to open another crystal and so you do not spend units or money on crystals.
    Another reason is that it could unbalanced the difficulty on activities and lead to less spend on them.
    And another one : the side effects with masteries.
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★
    Capn85 said:

    My point is putting in venompool or joe fix it or iron fist or og iron man in the 6* pool is ridiculous. They serve no purpose other than arena points and that isnt good enough. There is no reasonable explanation for such **** champs to be in the pool. I have 2 6*s so far and I'm f2p so grinding took forever. I got an electro which isnt too terrible but not super useful and now I got venompool. Obviously pulling HB would be dumb since he is being reworked.

    I'm f2p too. It doesn't matter. There will always be bad champs inside a crystal to counteract the effect of the good champs. Doom is coming into the basic pool soon, so expect more bad champs to be put in.

    There is a reason. You need a balance.

    What do you mean by "pulling HB would be dumb since he is being reworked"? Why would that be "dumb"?
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★

    There are many more champions that desserve a rework than champions good as they are...
    Kabam have a lot of work on these champions but would not modify them. Why ? Because if you are happy with your fresh champion, you want less to open another crystal and so you do not spend units or money on crystals.
    Another reason is that it could unbalanced the difficulty on activities and lead to less spend on them.
    And another one : the side effects with masteries.

    Also, these take time, and they have to possibility of going through betas.
  • Capn85Capn85 Member Posts: 9

    What do you mean by "pulling HB would be dumb since he is being reworked"? Why would that be "dumb"?

    You said earlier they wouldnt remove HB because they are in the middle or his rework. I said it would be dumb to take him out of the pool because he is in the middle of the rework so it wouldnt make sense to take him out
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★
    edited June 2020
    Capn85 said:

    What do you mean by "pulling HB would be dumb since he is being reworked"? Why would that be "dumb"?

    You said earlier they wouldnt remove HB because they are in the middle or his rework. I said it would be dumb to take him out of the pool because he is in the middle of the rework so it wouldnt make sense to take him out

    I thought you meant "pull" as in "obtaining", like "pulling a champion out of a crystal", instead of "removing".
  • Capn85Capn85 Member Posts: 9
    Oh I gotcha, I can see that as confusing. Remove the champ ha
  • JDunk2291JDunk2291 Member Posts: 464 ★★
    Most of the older champs need a revamp and i feel If its too much to revamp said champion then add a unique synergy to make them more useful for the later content.. (example) change the Luke Cage/Iron Fist "Heroes For Hire" synergy...instead of a physical resistance increase, make it so the synergy gives a chance for Iron Fist to get a unique buff and for Luke cage, it increases his chance to inflict exhaustion debuffs
  • Capn85Capn85 Member Posts: 9
    I do like the synergy changes, they seem like they can really buff a champ and I'm sure that could be easier than redoing a champ.
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