LF map 4/5 ally, AQ only

i’ve spent the last months being an officer and it’s pretty exhausting, so i just wanna run AQ so i can rank up my champions. i’ve been playing map 4 but i can handle map 5.

Controlled Collective II, our 2nd branch for Maps 3 (BG1), 4 (BG2) and 5 (BG3) has an opening. We run 5 days of AQ.
Only AQ and Line app for Communication are Mandatory.
Wars are optional, players choice if they want to participate in wars.
Contact on Line app is preferred:
1. LadyGamer13
2. Rachel
3. SoCal07
In game contacts:
1. LadyG~2
2. Reitchel
3. SoCal07