Seperate mastery trees for every champion.

ShrikeTzuShrikeTzu Member Posts: 40
I was thinking today about how to solve some issues I've been hearing about the last few weeks, and what I kept thinking was that we need a new mastery system to make it so people can have a reasonable chance at completing content seperate than being lucky at pulls. My mind went to mastery builds and I think maybe being able to build a mastery tree for each character may be a way to satisfy a few issues. One that once you are on the suicide track a lot of good champs are less desirable than they would otherwise be. 2, a lot of champs are specifically good with suicides and would suddenly not be as good without them. 3 People want to use the heros or villans that captured there imagination, maybe if you could have mastery setups for them individually suddenly it would open up nostalgia champs without having to revamp them saving a bunch of developer time. 4 it would be a good unit and money sink as long as its not too greedy. 5 it would make diversity placemebts in war make more sense....

I'm sure there is a major down side... but besides it being a massive development hurdle...


  • BarryJ2BarryJ2 Member Posts: 32
    This is going to be very expensive...
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,314 ★★★★★
    I would imagine selecting five champs and having a suggested mastery build instead, perhaps ...
  • ShrikeTzuShrikeTzu Member Posts: 40
    As expensive as Kabam can charge yes... or did you mean for Kabam, because yes that would be expensive also... but if you can think of a better way to get skill in front of luck while also providing an avenue of profit... being able to customize the masteries of your champs just makes sense to me as a way forward. I want to be able to use the champs I like to do the content at hand. I have a good account built in respect of the games meta, not my preference... im sure its flawed but those two criticisms were not sufficient.
  • ItsDamienItsDamien Member Posts: 5,626 ★★★★★
    So, the issue here is that there is 170+ champs. Now to give them each their own mastery tree, let's say they each only get 15 masteries they can choose from and only apply 5 of them (similar to World of Warcraft and each classes different specs of which there are only 36 total).

    Say there was ONLY 170 Champs to do this for with 15 potential masteries, it would still be 2550 individual masteries, all of which would need to be tested and balanced in multiple different ways.

    I know this is pure speculation, but could you reasonably believe that something like this could be done well, given the company that would be implementing it?
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