Colossus or Aegon for abyss initial clear?

Want to get some thoughts on who would be better as a main champ to run abyss. Colossus (with Emma + omega) synergy or Aegon? Would bring doom and torch regardless.
Not sure if colossus outperforms aegon per revive before that.
You will prob do a lot less mistakes with aegon bc you will be unblockable.
With colossus you will have to parry 2000 times prob 🤔
And you might have a problem with invis woman without nick
2) Colossus.
3) Omega Red for colossus synergy.
4) Claire.
5) Doctor Voodoo.
I may also make video cause I think colossus has more potential in Abyss.But we'll see, who knows.Colossus only weakness is Thing.But if you are planning to bring colossus then use this team.
2) Colossus/Omega red synergy