It makes hyperions buffs last longer which is a great help but with CMM its adds something to her kit. (I used one on each of them but Hyperion made it to r5 unlike CMM)
Neither of them need it. Personally I think Hype benefits more.
If you’ve played with unduped and duped hype, he needs it to maximize his rotation. Duped he can pretty much always get off 2 heavies, a 5hit combo and an L2 before the enemy has a chance to launch a special. And that’s without his stun that allows for another heavy, 5hit and L2.
Unduped you are struggling to keep furies on him.
It really doesn’t seem like a lot on paper but it makes a world of difference, and the best part is it scales as such that 20 levels is all you really need.
She gets indestructible, but loses both it and like half the binary charges she has when hit by a special attack
Unduped you are struggling to keep furies on him.
It really doesn’t seem like a lot on paper but it makes a world of difference, and the best part is it scales as such that 20 levels is all you really need.