OG Captain America attack speed

Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
After this last update, OG Captain America is now able to act before his heavy & SP1 animations are completed. By "act", I mean that he is able to block or use a special attack as his feet touch the ground after a heavy, or is able to parry/block immediately after his special attack 1. I haven't tested his SP2 because after his shield throw I'm typically too far away to dash in for an attack.

I can still evade and hit him, but the window to do so has shrunk considerably.

A few others have a similar Heavy and Special 1 recovery (OG Magneto SP1, Dr Strange SP1, Rocket Heavy & SP1), but it's been constant since I started paying attention months ago. Capt seems newly adjusted with the latest update.

Samsung Galaxy S7
Android software, latest update
All battle platforms (Act 4 and arenas are the only places I've seen him since the update)
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