Is this a fair 6* roster ?
Member Posts: 14 ★
I've been playing for a while. After my first 3 6*s I got so frustrated, I quit for about a year. Is this how anyone else's 6* lineup looks like or am I cursed ?
Mags is 1st in line for a buff.
And he will be an attacker. Like for a long time his buff will be most anticipated.
Rhino also in line for a buff.
And Morningstar is amazing. But well need awkning and stuff.
But still a solid champ.
They just need to slightly change the basic 6 star pool. Either damage based and utility based.
Somehow useful... That's it.
Removing some of the champ would really help everyone.
Champs like cap. America , cap marvel old.
Joe fixit, 2 Cyclopse, even hane foster too may be. I mean she has some use if she is duped and but there are better champs for what she does.