What happened to the side quest

I’ve been able to do the epic side quest since February, and now I can barely do master! I’ve used all my randomizes in one fight, only to get the same 3 nodes every time. The difficulty is good for higher tier players, but the rewards are underwhelming, while for me I would love those rewards, the difficulty is too much. Where is the balance?
And I disagree, a lot of the complaining I see on the forums IS stupid, and people are complaining for the sake of complaining.
Read the nodes before you go into the fight is my best advice. Re-rolls aren't very expensive, so stack those up if that'll help at all.
We’re barely 6 hours into a new event. If people complaint then why can’t people share opposite opinions back? I’m not even cavalier and I’ve had 3 successful runs without a rank 5 5*. Sometimes content isn’t supposed to be easy.
You can't go over a year offering the same naming convention of difficulties and expect them to be exactly the same when they give resources for ranking or getting new champions coupled with the experience of playing the game.Some entitled players even want the reverse, expect even. They want more stuff for less effort. The phrasing of the difficulties should speak volumes, my complaint is that it's not lived up to that on earlier months. EPIC difficulty, MASTER difficulty. Are you a master of the game?
The point of this thread is the difficulty in comparison to the rewards. If there’s any fault with this month, I think it’s with the M.O.D.O.K. store, which is underwhelming. I’m happy with the 5*/ 6* shards as rewards for the side event.