Most Disappointing side event quest ever!!!

This month's side event quest is the most Disappointing side quest ever in my opinion. It feels like we are playing Act 6 as a side quest. Even the uncollected main event quest is a lot easier than this side quest and why I hate this quest because -
1). Every victory leads you towards a more difficult opponent with so called random buffs.
2). And these random buffs are not random , if you reroll the buffs then the same two or three most annoying buffs appears and sometimes these annoying buffs comes in a same badge.
3). If we have to play this side quest(Act6) for the sake of rewards then the rewards seems like we're still in 2017or18 at least there should be more Gold coins or more rewards.
4). And the last thing is Block damage the last two or three opponents starts damaging your low health with high block damage and at the same time they gains prowess buffs and cruelty buffs and power gain buffs or armour up buffs .
At last I want to say if you're an endgame player this DIFFICULT IS FOR YOU ONLY BUT NOT THE REWARDS and if you're not an endgame player THE REWARDS ARE FOR YOU BUT NOT THE DIFFICULTY.........LOL
PEACE is OUT(of my mind)
1). Every victory leads you towards a more difficult opponent with so called random buffs.
2). And these random buffs are not random , if you reroll the buffs then the same two or three most annoying buffs appears and sometimes these annoying buffs comes in a same badge.
3). If we have to play this side quest(Act6) for the sake of rewards then the rewards seems like we're still in 2017or18 at least there should be more Gold coins or more rewards.
4). And the last thing is Block damage the last two or three opponents starts damaging your low health with high block damage and at the same time they gains prowess buffs and cruelty buffs and power gain buffs or armour up buffs .
At last I want to say if you're an endgame player this DIFFICULT IS FOR YOU ONLY BUT NOT THE REWARDS and if you're not an endgame player THE REWARDS ARE FOR YOU BUT NOT THE DIFFICULTY.........LOL
PEACE is OUT(of my mind)
Good luck though.
“Don’t do it”
“Quit playing”
“Get good”
And blah blah blah
Save some posts. Not add something productive (to others)
Come on Kabam, we know you can do better than this.
You can choose whether you go with Mutant team, science team etc..., choose you path (we could not in previous version) and even reroll the node in case it's too difficult !
Good Job Kabam
He has to understand not all players are of high level.. not all fingers are same.. for god's sake learn to accept others view point..
That being said, I don't think this is the worst event ever.
As for the rewards, i agree they could be a little bit more spicey, but we had worse events before
Used one re-roll on the first fright, then went through the rest itemless and without a KO whilst using only a 6* unduped R1 Gulk for the daily challenge points for all but 2 fights where I just bled with Blade.
It’s the most difficult version of the side quest, it’s supposed to be hard and require a semi decent roster. Just really take advantage of class advantage and synergies and you’ll be fine.
Man, I can't do one of the days now because I thought I could do epic and master...this sucks!
Some of you guys are never satisfied. Kabam will give us tomorrow an AG crystal for free and you’ll be pissed because it’s not generic.