Most Disappointing side event quest ever!!!

NavneetNavneet Member Posts: 67
This month's side event quest is the most Disappointing side quest ever in my opinion. It feels like we are playing Act 6 as a side quest. Even the uncollected main event quest is a lot easier than this side quest and why I hate this quest because -

1). Every victory leads you towards a more difficult opponent with so called random buffs.
2). And these random buffs are not random , if you reroll the buffs then the same two or three most annoying buffs appears and sometimes these annoying buffs comes in a same badge.

3). If we have to play this side quest(Act6) for the sake of rewards then the rewards seems like we're still in 2017or18 at least there should be more Gold coins or more rewards.

4). And the last thing is Block damage the last two or three opponents starts damaging your low health with high block damage and at the same time they gains prowess buffs and cruelty buffs and power gain buffs or armour up buffs .

At last I want to say if you're an endgame player this DIFFICULT IS FOR YOU ONLY BUT NOT THE REWARDS and if you're not an endgame player THE REWARDS ARE FOR YOU BUT NOT THE DIFFICULTY.........LOL

PEACE is OUT(of my mind)


  • ThebgjThebgj Member Posts: 635 ★★
    I tried this already, it didn’t go well.

    Good luck though.


    “Don’t do it”
    “Quit playing”
    “Get good”
    And blah blah blah

    Save some posts. Not add something productive (to others)
  • ThatGuyYouSaw235ThatGuyYouSaw235 Member Posts: 3,440 ★★★★★
    It's like Sinister Labs but a Copy-Paste of an event but dumbed down.

    Come on Kabam, we know you can do better than this.
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  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,779 ★★★★★
    Bring on Cavalier difficulty am I right?
  • GOTGGOTG Member Posts: 1,040 ★★★★
    edited June 2020
    I have gone through this kind of event quest 4 or 5 times before and came from total defeat to total win so you will get through it too when you have better rosters ladies and gentlemen.
  • edited June 2020
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  • MasterpuffMasterpuff Member Posts: 6,478 ★★★★★
    I have nothing against the difficulty of the quest itself, but for crying out loud make the rewards worthwhile. Please.
  • UltimateBatJokeUltimateBatJoke Member Posts: 221

    Ran it twice. No resources used.

    You must have perfect counters for a certain path, but unfortunately not all of us can be that lucky
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  • TheInfintyTheInfinty Member Posts: 1,495 ★★★★★
    This ain’t the worst ever is it bad? Yes but compared to the guardian of the nexus event? This event looks godly compared to that trash pile
  • SparkAlotSparkAlot Member Posts: 957 ★★★★
    Navneet said:

    This month's side event quest is the most Disappointing side quest ever in my opinion. It feels like we are playing Act 6 as a side quest. Even the uncollected main event quest is a lot easier than this side quest and why I hate this quest because -

    2). And these random buffs are not random , if you reroll the buffs then the same two or three most annoying buffs appears and sometimes these annoying buffs comes in a same badge.

    This, ran out of them after 2 fights in, they freaking wouldn't change!
  • StellarStellar Member Posts: 1,126 ★★★★
    This side quest is a better than the previous Modok and sinister lab.

    You can choose whether you go with Mutant team, science team etc..., choose you path (we could not in previous version) and even reroll the node in case it's too difficult !

    Good Job Kabam ;)
  • Ashman91Ashman91 Member Posts: 4
    Have to agree. I’m cavalier and an above average player but my first run was a disaster with one hit KOs on the boss through my block on 5/65 champ. Hard pass this month for me!
  • WhathappenedWhathappened Member Posts: 747 ★★★
    Yeah I didn't think I was bad at all. Once you learn there is always a class path, makes much easier. Not saying this is the best side event but far from the worst. I'm relatively happy with it. Really like you can save the cards up and do it when your best champs are free. Honestly this seems easier than some of the other labs.
  • RunamokUSARunamokUSA Member Posts: 381 ★★★
    Yep, not gonna stress on it and will just plug away through master.
  • DJMNHDJMNH Member Posts: 723 ★★★
    edited June 2020

    Ran it twice. No resources used.

    You must have perfect counters for a certain path, but unfortunately not all of us can be that lucky
    @UltimateBatJoke there is no need explaining him mate.. he will always come and support Kabam, and prove you are at fault or you cant play the game.. you chek this on several threads..

    He has to understand not all players are of high level.. not all fingers are same.. for god's sake learn to accept others view point..
  • SceptilemaniacSceptilemaniac Member Posts: 1,247 ★★★★
    I agree with the argument that difficulty to rewards ratio is not balanced.
    That being said, I don't think this is the worst event ever.
  • PrentexPrentex Member Posts: 414 ★★
    I did the first 3 runs yesterday, always tech path, it really wasn't hard, one time i had to use a randomizer. But yeah if you don't have Coruvs maybe it's a little bit harder. The enemies on the tech path weren't that bad either (maybe i just got lucky the first three runs, time will tell)

    As for the rewards, i agree they could be a little bit more spicey, but we had worse events before
  • Skywalker3221Skywalker3221 Member Posts: 156 ★★
    Ran through twice...

    Used one re-roll on the first fright, then went through the rest itemless and without a KO whilst using only a 6* unduped R1 Gulk for the daily challenge points for all but 2 fights where I just bled with Blade.

    It’s the most difficult version of the side quest, it’s supposed to be hard and require a semi decent roster. Just really take advantage of class advantage and synergies and you’ll be fine.
  • Drummer16Drummer16 Member Posts: 324 ★★

    They have always re-used side events like this... sadly not the first time nor going to be the last time they do it... pretty disappointing when we have done this modok lab in one way or another 2 or 3 times already throughout the years... they cant come up with anything new so they rebadge the same **** from the past with a slightly different twist.... yet the rewards stay the same from 2018... 😒

    This is worse than sinister labs in 2019 which u could do all difficulties once a day, and even worse than the OG modok labs in 2018, which ran every 7 hours and u could do all the difficulties.

    Man, I can't do one of the days now because I thought I could do epic and master...this sucks!
  • SlashingSunsetSlashingSunset Member Posts: 244 ★★
    I have to agree man. Considering how little 6* Shards you get, it's just not worth the stress and time invested to get through all the fights on Epic. I'd say Master is just so much easier and gives a decent amount of shards anyway for the time invested. Such a flop event overall. Not to mention, the Modok Store isn't all that interesting anyway.
  • _Quetzalcohuātl_Quetzalcohuātl Member Posts: 17
    I agree with you dude, I usually have no issue completing epic EQ but the ratio of effort to reward is so low that it's hard to justify even bothering to do this month. The only good thing is free energy cost, but it's ridiculous having free entry and then popping revives because the final boss shredded you. Might just do Master this month and skip the headaches of epic.
  • McFernieMcFernie Member Posts: 87
    Personally, I find it a good balance of difficulty or rewards. Of course debatable. What I don’t understand is why people keep complaining when something is too hard. Don’t do epic. Problem solved. Abyss is too difficult for my roster & skill. So I won’t do it.
    Some of you guys are never satisfied. Kabam will give us tomorrow an AG crystal for free and you’ll be pissed because it’s not generic.
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  • EinfachSoEinfachSo Member Posts: 269 ★★

    I have to agree man. Considering how little 6* Shards you get, it's just not worth the stress and time invested to get through all the fights on Epic. I'd say Master is just so much easier and gives a decent amount of shards anyway for the time invested. Such a flop event overall. Not to mention, the Modok Store isn't all that interesting anyway.

    You can get 1400 6* Shards...thats okay for the Side quest.
  • Mrspider568Mrspider568 Member Posts: 2,007 ★★★
    They made it more worse on iPad users by kicking us in middle of a fight at the cost of 50% health those kabam **** will do anything to make us spend money at the game i am already angry now this makes alliance wars unplayable now
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,837 ★★★★★
    edited June 2020
    Last years trials were awful even after they reduced the absurd difficulty, so this months event might not be to your liking, but it could be worse.
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