Great node combination

Among all the criticism (part of which is surely well-earned) I'd like to just point out one really great node design I found in new Uncollected EQ.

It was partly limiting to champions which you can use there thanks to Pull node but rewarding on the other hand to a lot of others. Seeing some ridiculous numbers was really great too. Matador was good fit to finish the combination and Masochism could be considered as challenging part of the nodes so it would add some difficulty.
Seeing something like this in for example 6.4 on much higher health pools could be great fit for fun but challenging content which we all really want IMO.
In conclusion kudos to whoever came up with this idea. Give him a pat on the back for me.

It was partly limiting to champions which you can use there thanks to Pull node but rewarding on the other hand to a lot of others. Seeing some ridiculous numbers was really great too. Matador was good fit to finish the combination and Masochism could be considered as challenging part of the nodes so it would add some difficulty.
Seeing something like this in for example 6.4 on much higher health pools could be great fit for fun but challenging content which we all really want IMO.
In conclusion kudos to whoever came up with this idea. Give him a pat on the back for me.
I was mad at first at no power and masochism, but then the Matador node kicked in and it dawned on me, and the fight was super enjoyable. 10/10 node combination.
Arc overload 2.1 with healing and regeneration abilities are 100% more effective.
We can place there awakened sabertooth and more with regeneration ability
Since Act 7 is taken back to the drawing board, hopefully this feedback can be accepted and we will see it returning in some form in this content.