Guess I gotta get back to reading more comics again. Don't remember this
Jonathan Hickmans fantastic 4 and future foundation are lead ups to this. As well as his avengers run. All good stuff. If you can read those it all ties in so well. Definitely the best stuff marvel comics has came out with in the last 10 years
Guess I gotta get back to reading more comics again. Don't remember this
Jonathan Hickmans fantastic 4 and future foundation are lead ups to this. As well as his avengers run. All good stuff. If you can read those it all ties in so well. Definitely the best stuff marvel comics has came out with in the last 10 years
Sounds interesting. Will try to read those if I get the time. Thanks!
Guess I gotta get back to reading more comics again. Don't remember this
Jonathan Hickmans fantastic 4 and future foundation are lead ups to this. As well as his avengers run. All good stuff. If you can read those it all ties in so well. Definitely the best stuff marvel comics has came out with in the last 10 years
Sounds interesting. Will try to read those if I get the time. Thanks!