Not insane but definitely not unusable either...has decent damage and the adrenaline mechanic will help his low health..most of the people who get their first 6* have 1-3 4/55 champs so he will find a place in ur questing team till u get a team of 4/55 champs
Not insane but definitely not unusable either...has decent damage and the adrenaline mechanic will help his low health..most of the people who get their first 6* have 1-3 4/55 champs so he will find a place in ur questing team till u get a team of 4/55 champs
i already have a full team of 5* R4 (warlock, BWCV, CAIW, venom and magik) so i was waiting for that 6* to decide if i was gonna rank 2 a 6* or rank 5 my first 5*. so.. guess i already made a decision lmao
It's 90% disappointment. I got Iron Fist who is probably the most useless Mystic in the game. In fact, he shouldn't even be in the Mystic class considering he does squat. My 4/55 Domino did more SP damage with 50% reduced attack in the 5.3 Mystic Quest. Never attach hope with 6* crystals.
Never attach hope with 6* crystals.